What is Libexpat so 0?

What is Libexpat so 0?

so. This error means the httpd cannot find the libexpat. so. 0 library, either it is not installed or you need to tell the httpd binaries where to find the library file.

Is Red Hat discontinued?

Red Hat Linux; created by the company Red Hat, was a widely used Linux distribution until its discontinuation in 2004….Red Hat Linux.

GNOME 2.2, the default desktop on Red Hat Linux 9
Working state Discontinued
Source model Open source
Initial release May 13, 1995
Final release 9 alias Shrike / March 31, 2003

Why is Red Hat not free?

When a user is not able to freely run, procure, and install the software without also having to register with a license server/pay for it then the software is no longer free. While the code may be open, there’s a lack of freedom. So according to the ideology of open source software, Red Hat is not open source.

Which package provides Libcrypto so?

Install the OpenSSL package. This package can be downloaded from https://www.opencsw.org/packages/CSWlibssl0-9-8/. As root user, extract and install the libcrypto.so file by using the following commands.

What provides Libexpat so 0?

There is no package providing libexpat. so. 0 library but there is libexpat-dev package that provides libexpat.

Is CentOS and Red Hat the same?

CentOS is an open source project. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is an enterprise open source product. CentOS Stream, CentOS Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are all different Linux distributions, and there are many technical, support, and developmental differences between them.

Why did Red Hat buy CentOS?

Red Hat funding meant more dev hours and fewer hassles—and being brought in-house gave CentOS access to RHEL’s legal team and a guarantee that any further questions of trademark use could be resolved amicably, rather than with simmering hostilities.

Why does Red Hat cost money?

The real reason RedHat can charge is that their support services are appropriate at enterprise level. Their market space includes corporates and large organisations whose need for maintenance and support is significant. Most large organisations couldn’t survive on in house IT in a cost effective manner.

Can I use Red Hat without subscription?

Yes, you have to have an active RHEL subscription to download packages from RHEL’s repositories. If your machine has never been subscribed, or the subscription is expired, you will not be able to use any of the repositories provided by RHEL.

What is Libcrypto so?

The libcrypto library provides the fundamental cryptographic routines used by libssl. You can however use libcrypto without using libssl.

What is Libssl so?

libssl is the portion of OpenSSL which supports TLS ( SSL and TLS Protocols ), and depends on libcrypto. This is a C api. To use it you need to include (at least) openssl/ssl. h and to link your program with libssl library.

Is Redhat better than CentOS?

CentOS is a community-developed and supported alternative to RHEL. It is similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux but lacks enterprise-level support. CentOS is more or less a free replacement for RHEL with few minor configuration differences. It comes with an extended support lifecycle ranging from 6 to 7 years.

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