How do I reset my icon cache?

How do I reset my icon cache?

  1. Open a File Explorer window.
  2. At the top left click the view tab and select(check)”Hidden Items.
  3. Go to C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Local.
  4. Right click on IconCache. db and click on Delete.
  5. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.
  6. Close the window.
  7. Empty the Recycle Bin.
  8. Restart the computer.

How do I clear and rebuild the icon cache in Windows?

Rebuild Icon Cache in Windows 10

  1. Open File Explorer > Folder Options > Views to show Hidden System Files.
  2. Next, go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local folder.
  3. Delete the hidden IconCache. db file. Reboot.
  4. This action would purge and rebuild the icon cache.

Is it safe to delete icon cache?

To rebuild the icon cache, you have to delete all the iconcache files that appear in this folder. It’s not as simple as clicking on them and pressing Delete, though: those files are still in use by Explorer, so you can’t just delete them normally.

How do I fix a corrupted icon cache?

3. Delete the icon cache database

  1. Open any folder.
  2. Enable show hidden files option to see the Icon Cache file by going on the View tab, and enable Hidden items option from Show/ Hide section.
  3. Navigate to C:/Users/username/AppData/Local folder and then delete IconCache.
  4. Restart your computer to rebuild the icon cache.

How do I delete my icon cache in Windows 10?

Here’s how:

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following folder: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer.
  2. In the Explorer folder, you will see a lot of files with the iconcache name. Delete all of them.

What happens if I delete icon cache?

Once you have deleted all the iconcache files, a folder names IconCacheToDelete will appear. Simply restart your PC and this folder will disappear.

How do I fix a broken desktop icon?

With a few commands you can rebuild the icon cache and remove your broken icons.

  1. Open Command Prompt as an admin.
  2. Enter ie4uinit.exe -show.
  3. Terminate the File Explorer process.
  4. Delete/rebuild the Windows 10 db icons and rebuild the icon cache.
  5. Restart your PC to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 10.

How do I fix app icons in Windows 10?

Go to Settings > select Apps. Go to Apps & Features and select the problematic app. Select Advanced options and first try to repair the app. If the app icon is still missing, you can also use the reset option.

What clear cache means?

App cache is similar to browser cache. It’s small bits of information stored to speed up your experience using an app. Clearing cache is a quick and easy way to free up space and (hopefully) fix a misbehaving app. Clearing app cache will not delete app data like account information.

How to clear icons cache in Windows 8?

To clear the icons cache in Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, follow these instructions: From the View tab, select Hidden items Go to C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Explorer, where C:\\ is the drive where you installed Windows 8 or 8.1 and User is the username of your account profile

How to clear cache in Windows Server 2008?

Here will be a policy called Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache (in case domain controller is not available). By default this is set to 10 logons. To clear the cache, set it to zero and click OK. On Server 2008, this will take effect immediately.

What happens when icon cache is corrupted in Windows 10?

In some cases, if the cache file is corrupted, white blank icons of shortcuts and files may be displayed in Explorer (and on the Desktop), or default Windows icons are displayed instead of application icons. In this case, it is recommended to reset the Windows 10 icon cache.

How to reset thumbnail icon cache in Windows?

Don’t confuse thumbnail icon cache files with thumbs.db cache, which contain a cache of thumbnail images and videos in a folder. In Windows there is a built-in tool ie4uinit (IE Per-User Initialization Utility) that can be used to quickly reset the icon cache database.

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