What does it mean bury your head in the sand?

What does it mean bury your head in the sand?

to ignore a problem or an unpleasant situation and hope that it will disappear. Her parents had been burying their heads in the sand about the problem. Synonyms and related words. To pretend something is not happening or is not the case.

What does it mean to bury your head?

DEFINITIONS1. to cover or hide your face with something, for example to avoid looking at someone. She buried her face in her hands with embarrassment. Synonyms and related words.

Where did the term bury your head in the sand come from?

What’s the origin of the phrase ‘Bury your head in the sand’? This comes from the supposed habit of ostriches hiding when faced with attack by predators. The story was first recorded by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who suggested that ostriches hide their heads in bushes.

Who bury their heads in the sand?

As flightless birds, ostriches are unable to build nests in trees, so they lay their eggs in holes dug in the ground. To make sure that the eggs are evenly heated, they occasionally stick their heads into the nest to rotate the eggs, which makes it look like they’re trying to hide – hence the myth.

What’s the meaning of beck and call?

always ready to
Definition of at someone’s beck and call : always ready to do whatever someone asks He expects his employees to be at his beck and call day and night.

Which animal buries its head in the sand?

Ostriches are big, fierce and not afraid to take a stand against predators—a far cry from the unjust reputation for being cowardly and burying their heads in the sand.

Do Flamingos bury their head in the sand?

In muddy flats or shallow water, they use their long legs and webbed feet to stir up the bottom. They then bury their bills, or even their entire heads, and suck up both mud and water to access the tasty morsels within.

What does being at sixes and sevens mean?

“At sixes and sevens” is an English idiom used to describe a condition of confusion or disarray.

What does it mean to Bury Your Head in the sand?

bury/hide your ˌhead in the ˈsand. refuse to deal with unpleasant realities, possible dangers, etc. by pretending they do not exist: Stop burying your head in the sand, Tim. Don’t pretend that everything’s all right.This phrase refers to the common belief that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when it is in danger.

Where does the expression head in the sand come from?

Origin of Head in the Sand. This expression first appeared in the 1800s. The idea behind it is that ostriches will sometimes put their heads in holes in the ground.

When does an ostrich bury its head in the sand?

Don’t pretend that everything’s all right.This phrase refers to the common belief that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when it is in danger. bury/hide one’s head in the sand, to. To ignore danger, unpleasantness, or the like by pretending not to see it.

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