What plugins does a Factions server need?

What plugins does a Factions server need?

The pre-made Minecraft faction server comes with several plugins already installed. The main plugins used here are going to be Essentials, Worldguard, Factions, Worldedit, PermissionsEx, Vault, and ClearLagg.

Does Dynmap work with factions?

FactionsDynmap is an expansion for Factions. With this expansion, factions are displayed on Dynmap (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dynmap/). You will see the territory, home location, member count, age of the faction, and more.

How do I install factions plugin?


  1. Stop your server.
  2. Put MassiveCore. jar in your plugins folder. Download MassiveCore here on BukkitDev.
  3. Put Factions. jar in your plugins folder.
  4. Start your server again.
  5. Configure (Optional)

How does the factions plugin work?

With this plugin, players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land.

What is the server IP for factions?

View Minecraft Factions Servers

Rank Name IP
1 Minehut Factions minehut.com
2 ManaCube join.manacube.com
3 Mineville join.mineville.org
4 TheArchon Minecraft Factions server pvp.thearchon.net

How do you set up a Dynmap on towny?


  1. Download EP-Dynmap-Towny.jar.
  2. Place the plugin in your servers /plugins folder with Dynmap 3.1-beta5.jar and Towny-, (Optional to have TownyChat-0.83.jar)
  3. Start the server.
  4. Edit the config. yml in the folder EP-Dynmap-Towny to your needs.

How can I see Dynmap regions?

Visibility of regions can be controlled via the ‘visibleregions’ and ‘hiddenregions’ settings. Besides listing the names of the regions to be made visible or hidden, entries with the format ‘world:’ can be used to make all regions on a given world visible or hidden.

What plugins did Smpearth use?

Plugins. The server utilized a factions plugin to simulate nations and geopolitics, and wars and factions were declared using it. Some other plugins, including guns, planes, grenades, and airstrikes, and custom crafting recipes were also present on the server.

What server can you play factions on?

Most suitable factions servers for Minecraft in 2020

  • #1 – PURPLE PRISON IP: PURPLEPRISON.NET. Image via Purple Prison.
  • #2 – VANITYMC IP: PLAY.VANITYMC.CO. Image via Vanity MC.
  • #3 – DATBLOCK IP: PLAY.DATBLOCK.COM. Image via Datblock.

What is the best faction server?

Top 5 Minecraft Factions servers in 2021

  • Mox MC is a fantastic and heavily PvP focused Minecraft Factions server.
  • MassiveCraft is a pioneer of the original factions game mode.
  • ViperMC is the most popular Minecraft hardcore factions (HCF) server.
  • Cosmic PvP remains as one of the most innovative Minecraft Factions servers.

What do you need to know about factions in Bukkit?

Factions is a self serve anti griefingsystem. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land. Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare warsand forge alliances. You fight over landand manage your monetary expenses. Install Stop your server. Put MassiveCore.jar in your plugins folder. Download MassiveCore here on BukkitDev.

How does the factions system work in Minecraft?

With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land. Factions is also about diplomacy and war.

What are the new commands in factions 2.8?

Configure (Optional) New In Factions 2.8 Reworked Commands- /f rank, /f invite, /f flag and /f perm. Added Commands- /f setpower, /f status, /f unstuck and /f tt. WorldGuard- Readded a simple integration. Tab Completion- Tab completion now available for everything! Interactive Text- Clickable buttons for list and help commands.

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