Why is factory method used?

Why is factory method used?

The Factory Method pattern is generally used in the following situations: A class cannot anticipate the type of objects it needs to create beforehand. A class requires its subclasses to specify the objects it creates. You want to localize the logic to instantiate a complex object.

What are the advantages of factory method?

Advantage of Factory Design Pattern Factory Method Pattern allows the sub-classes to choose the type of objects to create. It promotes the loose-coupling by eliminating the need to bind application-specific classes into the code.

What problem does factory method solve?

Factory method is a creational design pattern which solves the problem of creating product objects without specifying their concrete classes. Factory Method defines a method, which should be used for creating objects instead of direct constructor call ( new operator).

What advantage a factory method provides that a simple factory is unable to?

Factory Method requires subclassing, but doesn’t require Initialize. The advantage of a Factory Method is that it can return the same instance multiple times, or can return a subclass rather than an object of that exact type. The new operator always creates an object, and fails to encapsulate object creation.

Why do we use factory method in SAP ABAP?

Why should you use a factory-pattern? With the factory pattern you centralize the create of objects within your application. By using this approach, you can manage the instantiation of objects ( “Products” ) and separate the usage of the concrete implementation logic.

Why factory method is static?

The constructors are marked private, so they cannot be called except from inside the class, and the factory method is marked as static so that it can be called without first having an object.

What is the purpose of the factory pattern?

The stated purpose of the Factory Patterns is: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.

What are the benefits of applying abstract factory design pattern?

The Abstract Factory pattern has the following benefits and liabilities:

  • It isolates concrete classes.
  • It makes exchanging product families easy.
  • It promotes consistency among products.
  • Supporting new kinds of products is difficult.

What is the purpose of factory design pattern?

Why do we need factory design pattern Java?

The factory design pattern says that define an interface ( A java interface or an abstract class) and let the subclasses decide which object to instantiate. It is one of the best ways to create an object where object creation logic is hidden to the client.

What is the difference between the factory method and a simple factory?

Use the Factory method when you want to make a Framework where you want to take a control from the creation of the Object to the management of that Object. That’s unlike the Simple factory, where you only care about the creation of a product, not how to create and manage it.

Should a factory class have an interface?

Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. So an Interface seems to be an important part of the Factory Design Pattern, but the only reason I found where its practical is when you make a collection in the main method.

Why to use factory pattern?

+The main reason for which the factory pattern is used is that it introduces a separation between the application and a family of classes (it introduces weak coupling instead

  • +It provides customization hooks.
  • – The factory has to be used for a family of objects.
  • When to use factory pattern?

    Factory method pattern can be used when there is a need to generate objects that belong to specific family. Along side this requirement, you also want to keep the decisions made regarding object instantiation in one place.

    What is factory method design pattern?

    Factory Design Pattern. Factory method is a creational pattern used for creating objects.Instead of directly creating class objects by using constructors clients uses the the Factory method to create objects.The client is not aware of the specific class object which it creates by calling the Factory method.

    What is a factory object?

    In object-oriented programming ( OOP ), a factory is an object for creating other objects – formally a factory is a function or method that returns objects of a varying prototype or class from some method call, which is assumed to be “new”.

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