Is there an alexmos 8 bit Basecam controller?

Is there an alexmos 8 bit Basecam controller?

This controller is outdated and is no more sold. This is the original BaseCam SimpleBGC 8-bit controller board (formerly also called AlexMos). While this board has been superseded by the 32-bit version, this 8-bit version is still available in the marketplace and is actively used and supported.

How can I connect a Letus helix gimbal to a Basecam?

The controller can be connected to any SimpleBGC 32 bit controller through the Serial interface. For that, you can use four-core cable, or wireless UART adapter (Bluetooth, 3DR modem, Zigbee, WiFi-UART, and so on). Needless to say that Letus Helix gimbals work on BaseCam SimpleBGC 32bit controllers.

What do you need to know about Basecam electronics?

BaseCam Electronics offers all the necessary products to create high-quality stabilization systems for photo and video cameras. The technology is based on the direct drive brushless motors, that provides a smooth operation of the system, or the immobility of the subject while shooting.

Which is the original Basecam simplebgc controller board?

BaseCam (AlexMos) SimpleBGC. This controller is outdated and is no more sold. This is the original BaseCam SimpleBGC 8-bit controller board (formerly also called AlexMos).

Why is my alexmos brushless gimbal controller shaking?

If you have gimbal shaking in flight, it’s an EMI noise problem. Fit a ferrite ring around the motors outputs on the board and the I2C cable still right out of the board.

How does the FC work on an alexmos gimbal?

REason is, the FC calculates the acceleration compensation to drive a normal servo gimbal and gives input according to the accelerations on the 3 axis. The Alexmos board software then interpolates with it’s own calculation and takes into consideration the FC correction / compensation on accelerations.

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