What is brain freezer hookah flavour?

What is brain freezer hookah flavour?

Aafreen Brain Freeze is a highly demanding herbal hookah flavor in India. It provides cool and dense chilling smoke in each puff. This amazing shisha flavor prepared from special flavored herbal molasses. Aafreen Brain Freeze is a totally nicotine and tar free shisha flavor.

Which flavour is best in hookah?

5 Best Hookah Flavors in 2019

  • Al Fakher Mint. Back in the day when shisha was not as popular, aside from a few fruit flavored products, mint dominated the market.
  • Fumari Ambrosia.
  • Starbuzz Pirate’s Cave.
  • Nakhla Double Apple.
  • Starbuzz Blue Mist.

What are the flavors of hookah?

Hookah tobacco products come in different flavors, such as apple, mint, cherry, chocolate, coconut, licorice, cappuccino, and watermelon.

What is the price of flavour hookah?

hookah with flavour and coal

Original Price Applicable for All Users Discount by cluesbucks+ Use Coupon PREPAID20 Deal Price
₹469 ( ₹1 ₹20 ) ₹448

What are the side effects of Flavoured hookah?

Flavoured hookahs are not safer than cigarettes, can lead to heart attack and stroke. Hookah smoking is quite popular among the youth, but a new study shows how its effects are just as harmful as cigarettes and it can lead to cardiovascular conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

What is Brainfreeze?

Brain freeze, or ice cream headache, is an intense pain in the head caused by eating or drinking something cold. It’s not serious and goes away in a few seconds or minutes. If you get one, try to bring the temperature in your mouth and throat back to normal.

Who invented hookah?

Hookah History and Culture Hookah, in the form it exists today, was invented around the 15th century in India. It all started when the Indian glass manufacturing business started to bloom because the British East India Company began exporting glass to India.

Do you inhale a hookah?

The tobacco chamber in a hookah consists of a bowl containing burning charcoal that is placed on top of the flavored tobacco. When users draw on the stem (hose) of the hookah, the smoke is pulled through the water chamber, cooling it before it is inhaled into the lungs.

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