What is Iranian Taarof?

What is Iranian Taarof?

listen)) is a Persian word which refers to an Iranian form of civility or art of etiquette that emphasizes both deference and social rank. Taarof is a ritual politeness that levels the playing field and promotes equality in a hierarchical culture.

How do you pronounce Taarof?

How do you pronounce Ta’rof?

  1. If you’re British or European, say “ta” (pronouncing the ‘a’ as in ‘far’) followed by “roff”.
  2. If you’re North American, say “tar” as in the black gooey stuff, followed by “off” as in ‘get off’.

How can I be polite in Iran?

Try to arrive early or at least on time; punctuality is important in Iranian society. When you arrive, check to see if the host is wearing shoes. If not, remove yours at the door. Show respect for the elders by greeting them first, and shake everyone’s hand individually.

What culture is Persian?

The Persians are an Iranian ethnic group that make up over half the population of Iran. They share a common cultural system and are native speakers of the Persian language, as well as languages closely related to Persian.

What is considered rude in Iran?

When someone offers something to you (e.g. tea, sweets), refuse it initially out of politeness before accepting. It is rude to put your feet on the table. Burping and sniffing in front of others is considered rude. One should not touch people of the opposite gender unless they are very close family or friends.

Where is someone from if they are Persian?

Persian, predominant ethnic group of Iran (formerly known as Persia). Although of diverse ancestry, the Persian people are united by their language, Persian (Farsi), which belongs to the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European language family.

What are the characteristics of Iranians?

We are clever, quick-witted, sociable, and entertaining. Almost all agree that an Iranian is a person with foresight, mannerly, polite, respectful of guests, and generous. We are people who care about our reputation. The Iranian soldier is viewed as capable of great sacrifice and courage.

What do Persian men want?

If a Persian man loves someone, they will do anything for her; from buying expensive gifts and beautiful jewelry to going on a date in a fancy restaurant. Persian men are extremely passionate and emotional. They would adore you and treat you like a queen.

What is offensive Iran?

Are Persians Arabs?

One of the most common is the conflation of Middle Eastern ethnic groups. Many people continue to believe that “Persian” and “Arab” are interchangeable terms, when, in reality, they are labels for two distinct ethnicities. That is to say, Persians are not Arabs.

Is dancing illegal in Iran?

According to Iran’s Islamic penal code, singing and dancing are not illegal but a person can be prosecuted if authorities deem their acts “indecent” or “immoral”.

What is the meaning of the Persian word taarof?

Taarof or Tarof ( Persian: تعارف ‎, Persian pronunciation: [tæ’ɒːˈɾof]) is a Persian word which refers to an Iranian form of civility or art of etiquette that emphasizes both deference and social rank. Taarof is a ritual politeness that levels the playing field and promotes equality in a hierarchical culture.

Which is the most difficult definition of taarof?

According to Middle East scholar William O. Beeman, “Taarof is an extraordinarily difficult concept encompassing a broad complex of behaviors which mark and underscore differences in social status.”

Where did the custom of taarof come from?

This behavior comes from Iran’s nomadic heritage, where guests were always welcomed and looked after. The rules of taarof work differently depending on a person’s social status. According to Beeman, there are few societies that take the obligations of status as seriously as Iranian society.

How does taarof work in the opposite way?

Taarof often works in an opposite way. For example, an object, person, or offer may be refused when it is actually wanted. For instance, young Persian ladies may never express their interest to someone, but they will still expect the person of interest to remain consistent in expressing their love.

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