Are Mormons allowed to play basketball?

Are Mormons allowed to play basketball?

Gawker points out that basketball is one of the few sports that Mormon missionaries are allowed to play. The Missionary Handbook (pdf) suggests that if missionaries decide to play basketball, they should “not allow the situation to become intense or competitive,” and they should also play only half court.

Are Mormons allowed to play sports on Sunday?

One is its unbending insistence that it not play sports on Sunday, the day the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognizes as its Sabbath. There are no Cougars games on Sundays, ever, for any reason. BYU’s is the only major athletic department in the country to observe this rule.

Do Mormons have basketball courts?

Share All sharing options for: Basketball is big deal among LDS. Is basketball the one, true “celestial” sport? First-time, nonmember visitors to LDS meetinghouses — especially in the United States — might wonder so. Basketball courts are standard equipment at the buildings and have been for many decades.

What are the rules of Mormon?

Commentary: How to be Mormon in just 73 easy steps

  • Never use the word “Mormon” in describing anything Mormon.
  • Drink no coffee, tea or alcohol.
  • Eat meat sparingly.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits in their season.
  • Go to church every Sunday, even when you’re on vacation.
  • Accept any callings offered by the bishop.

Are missionaries allowed to play games?

During 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. of preparation day, missionaries get that break — but also need that time to do laundry, shop for groceries, get a haircut, and write emails and letters home. After those necessities are tended to, missionaries are free to use the rest of the time playing basketball, playing board games, etc.

Why can’t Mormons do anything on Sunday?

The church teaches that Mormons will practice an idealized version of the sabbath during what they view as an approaching historical epoch. Even so, they insist that Mormons can easily receive blessings from God by refraining from Sunday labor before the Zion of the Millennium is established.

What do Mormons do on weekends?

Along with activities and programs during the week, Latter-day Saints gather on Sundays for an approximately hour-long “sacrament” meeting, where men, women and younger members offer prayers and give sermons, sing hymns and partake of the sacrament (similar to receiving communion).

What are LDS not allowed to do?

Alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee and drugs These are all specifically banned in the Word of Wisdom, except for drugs. The prophets have made it clear that drugs, other than for medical use, are also banned. Mormons are also strongly discouraged from drinking soft drinks containing caffeine.

What are the rules for being a Mormon?

Most Mormons don’t even know about this rule. Officially, Mormons are supposed to be almost entirely vegetarian. The Mormon scriptures clearly state that meat “should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.” Which is not what actually happens.

What are the rules for being a missionary?

Missionary rules are extremely explicit about this: Missionaries can’t play in leagues, in tournaments, or on a full-size, regulation basketball court. Even with half-court basketball, they’re not allowed to keep score.

Is it against the law for Mormons to swim?

The Mormon Church is strongly against full-court basketball and playing Marco Polo in local swimming pools because they’re worried about injuries. However, some reports reveal that they can’t swim on Sundays. Swimming is usually done for recreation.

Is there a rule against caffeine in the Mormon Church?

But strangely, it’s not a rule against caffeine. The Mormon Church is totally fine with people consuming as much caffeine as they can handle—just as long as it’s slightly chilled. They have specifically stated that Coke, Pepsi, and any other form of caffeine is completely fine as long as it’s not heated.

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