What is removed during a labyrinthectomy?

What is removed during a labyrinthectomy?

Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure of the temporal bone used to treat intractable and refractory vertigo. This procedure surgically removes the neuroepithelial elements of the semicircular canals and vestibule.

What is Transmastoid labyrinthectomy?

Transmastoid labyrinthectomy is a highly effective procedure for controlling vertigo attacks in patients with refractory Meniere’s disease and ipsilateral nonserviceable hearing.

How do you perform a labyrinthectomy?

The basic principle of labyrinthectomy is to symmetrically open all the semicircular canals and vestibules; the landmarks should be preserved until the end of labyrinthectomy. After exposing all the ampullae and vestibules, the five individual groups of neurosensory epithelia are excised under direct visualization.

Can you still hear after labyrinthectomy?

This surgery destroys the entire labyrinth, or inner ear for balance. Although the cochlea is left untouched, all the hearing is lost in the ear. It eliminates all Meniere’s attacks from the operated ear. The operation is performed in hospital under general anesthesia through an incision behind the ear.

What does a labyrinthectomy do?

A labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the balance center of the inner ear (the labyrinth). It’s done to treat Meniere’s disease, a condition characterized by unrelenting vertigo attacks.

What is a mastoidectomy procedure?

A mastoidectomy is surgery to remove cells in the hollow, air-filled spaces in the skull behind the ear within the mastoid bone.

How long does a labyrinthectomy surgery take?

Your surgeon will perform the procedure under general anesthesia. The entire surgery will last about two hours and you will need to remain in the hospital for one to three days for close monitoring. A labyrinthectomy is extremely effective and stops virtually all episodes of vertigo.

What is a chemical labyrinthectomy?

A chemical labyrinthectomy is also known as transtympanic or intratympanic treatment or gentamicin infusion. This is a destructive procedure used for Ménière’s disease. An antibiotic called gentamicin is introduced into the middle ear and absorbed via the round window.

What happens after a labyrinthectomy?

After a labyrinthectomy, you will need to be monitored in the hospital for a few days. Your doctor may prescribe medications for nausea and to prevent infection. You will be discharged once your doctor determines you have regained enough balance to care for yourself at home.

What is the recovery time for a labyrinthectomy?

You may fly 6 weeks following surgery. No vigorous physical activity, including sports, until seen for your post-operative visit. With exception of these restrictions, you may return to work or school as overall condition permits. After 3 weeks you may resume all activities, including sports and physical exercise.

How long is a labyrinthectomy surgery?

Is mastoidectomy painful?

The cut (incision) the doctor made behind your ear may be sore. And you may have ear pain for about a week. Your ear will probably feel blocked or stuffy.

Which is the best definition of labyrinthectomy?

Excision of the labyrinth; a destructive operation to destroy labyrinthine function. [labyrinth + G. ektomē,excision] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 labyrinthectomy (lăb′ə-rĭn-thĕk′tə-mē) n. Surgical excision of the labyrinth of the ear. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

What happens when you have A labyrinthectomy on your ear?

The procedure does result in loss of all remaining hearing in the operated ear. Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure of the temporal bone used to treat intractable and refractory vertigo.

How is labyrinthectomy used in the treatment of vertigo?

Background. Labyrinthectomy is an effective surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a nonserviceable hearing ear. [1, 2] Relief from vertigo is achieved at the expense of the residual hearing in the ear to be operated.

When is labyrinthectomy considered a contraindicated surgery?

Labyrinthectomy is contraindicated when the affected ear is the only hearing ear. In patients with serviceable hearing, chemical labyrinthectomy or vestibular nerve sectioning should be considered. [ 4]

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