How many babies do red platy fish have?

How many babies do red platy fish have?

Platies are livebearers, which means that they give birth to live young. Compared to fish babies that hatch from eggs, livebearer fry are usually bigger, faster, and have a much higher survival rate. In the right conditions, female platies can give birth to 20 to 50 babies per month.

How often do platies give birth?

Once the female is impregnated, she can give birth to as many as five or more broods of young at intervals of four to six weeks.

How do platys give birth?

Platy fish are livebearers, which means that they give birth to live young rather than dropping eggs into the water like many other fish. In an aquarium, other fish may eat the newborn platy, but they can be protected with a breeding net or by moving the expectant mother to a brood tank just before she gives birth.

Do red wag platy eat their babies?

Because platies do eat their young, you will end up with the greatest number of surviving fry if you purchase a separate tank for them to live in while they grow. A separate aquarium for your fry can be purchased at most pet stores.

How long does it take for a platy to finish giving birth?

There are no distinct behavioral changes to look out for. Like other live-bearing fish, she carries her fry until they are fully developed. The gestation period typically lasts for around 28 days.

Why is my platy staying at the bottom of the tank?

So, why is your platy not eating and staying at the bottom of the tank? Some common reasons why platies stop eating include unsuitable water conditions, a disease or infection, pregnancy, bullying, and digestive issues.

Can platy fry survive without a filter?

And yes, they need a filter. Even if they didn’t need a filter now, they would very soon. To be of salable size, they need to grow and will definitely need a filter….and more room.

How do I know when my platy will give birth?

Physical Changes. As the young develop in her body, your female’s abdomen will begin to swell. When she is close to giving birth, her abdomen may even take on a “square” shape, and her cloaca may become dilated. Look for the presence of a gravid spot, which is a dark spot on the female’s abdomen near the anal fin.

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