What does Phlyctenular mean?

What does Phlyctenular mean?

Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis is a nodular inflammation of the cornea or conjunctiva that results from a hypersensitivity reaction to a foreign antigen.

What causes Phlyctenular conjunctivitis?

Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis is not an infection. It is an immune reaction to bacteria that are on or around the eyes. Some of the bacteria that trigger this disorder are staphylococci, and rarely, tuberculosis, and Chlamydia. This disorder is more common among children.

What is Cartah?

Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face).

What does Cicatricial mean?

pl. cic·a·tri·ces (sĭk′ə-trī′sēz, sĭ-kā′trĭ-sēz′) A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.

What is Cicatricial alopecia?

Scarring, or cicatricial, alopecia is an inflammatory condition in which hair follicles are destroyed, resulting in scarring and permanent hair loss. The Mount Sinai Health System is home to dermatologists who have deep experience diagnosing and treating this form of alopecia.

How is Phlyctenular conjunctivitis treated?


  1. Antibacterial. Eyelid hygiene. Ointment to lid margin (i.e. TobraDex) Topical antibiotics initially (i.e. gatifloxacin)
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Topical corticosteroids (i.e. prednisolone 1% q2-q4 hours)
  3. Treat the blepharitis. Eyelid hygiene. Warm compresses. Oral doxycycline (100mg Daily to BID)

What does phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis mean in medical terms?

Disease. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis is a nodular inflammation of the cornea or conjunctiva that results from a hypersensitivity reaction to a foreign antigen. Prior to the 1950s, phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis often presented as a consequence of a hypersensitivity reaction to tuberculin protein due to high prevalence of tuberculosis.

How old do you have to be to get phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis?

Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis is a common cause of pediatric referrals as it occurs primarily in children from 6 months to 16 years old. There is a higher prevalence in females and higher incidence during spring.

Where are the phlyctenules located in the eye?

Phlyctenules can occur anywhere on the conjunctiva but are more common in the interpalpebral fissure and are frequently noted along the limbal region. They commonly present with a gelatinous, nodular lesion with marked injection of the surrounding conjunctival vessels.

Which is the best treatment for phlyctenulosis?

Phlyctenulosis is generally responsive to topical steroids. However, risk of rise of intraocular pressure has to be kept in mind. In cases with multiple recurrences, or those which become steroid dependent, topical cyclosporine A is an effective treatment option.

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