Where are trusted Sites in registry?

Where are trusted Sites in registry?

Trusted Sites in IE are stored in the Registry Keys under Internet Settings in the Current Version section. To navigate to Trusted Sites, open IE -> click on the Settings button on top right corner-> click on Internet Options-> Security tab.

How do I add a restricted Site to Internet Explorer?

Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Internet options. Select the Security tab, choose one of the security zone icons (Local intranet, Trusted sites, or Restricted sites), and then select Sites. You can add sites to the zone you chose, or delete sites that you no longer want in this zone.

How do I turn off Enhanced Protected Mode in registry?

To disable Enable Enhanced Protected Mode using the Registry Editor:

  1. Open C:/ > Windows > regedit.
  2. Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main .
  3. Right-click Isolation, and then select Modify. If the registry key isn’t present, create it:
  4. In the Value data field, type PMIL.
  5. Select OK.

How do I see trusted Sites in group policy?

Start -> type gpedit. in the right-hand panel, double-click on the Site to Zone Assignment List option, then click Show… trusted sites are the ones with 2 in the Value column (1 = Intranet, 3 = Internet, 4 = Restricted)

How do I enable activex in registry?

Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe). Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings registry subkey. Double-click the ActiveXCache value, change the path in the value data to a new location, then click OK.

How do I add a website to my trusted sites?

Google Chrome :

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines icon on the far right of the Address bar.
  2. Click on Settings, scroll to the bottom and click the Show Advanced Settings link.
  3. Click on Change proxy settings.
  4. Click the Security tab > Trusted Sites icon, then click Sites.
  5. Enter the URL of your Trusted Site, then click Add.

How do I add a website to restricted sites?

What is this? Login to the client computer and launch the Internet Explorer. Click on Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab > Restricted Sites > Click Sites. Notice that the URL is added to the Restricted Sites zone and user cannot remove it from the list.

How do I disable Protected Mode?

To disable Enhanced Protected Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Start Internet Explorer for the desktop.
  2. Tap or select Tools, and then tap or select Internet options.
  3. On the Advanced tab, clear the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode check box under Security.
  4. Tap or select OK.

How do I enable advanced tabs in Internet Explorer registry?


  1. Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft registry subkey.
  3. If the Internet Explorer subkey doesn’t exist, create it (from the Edit menu, select New, Key and type “Internet Explorer” without the quotes) and navigate to that subkey.

Why is trusted site greyed?

The Internet Explorer (IE ) browser requires NFA Online to be added as an IE Trusted Site. Follow the steps below to set the IE Trusted Sites Setting: Note: If the “Add this website to the zone:” is “grayed” out, this means the setting is not available to the user.

How can I add a site to Internet Explorer’s restricted sites zone?

As it turns out, most of Internet Explorer’s configuration settings are stored in the registry, and stored in a manner accessible to scripting. We can’t use a WMI provider to add a site to the Restricted Sites zone and we can’t use an Internet Explorer COM object to add a site to the Restricted Sites zone.

What are the settings for trusted and restricted sites?

The settings for Internet and Local Intranet are global settings which are valid for all websites visited if they are not found in the Trusted or Restricted Sites list. Trusted and Restricted Sites can have different security settings which normally means lower security settings for trusted sites and higher ones for restricted websites.

Where can I find registry to block websites?

If a user uses other browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox, they will still be able to access websites blocked in the registry. If you want to block access to websites from all browser applications, use the Windows HOSTS file. You can find the Windows HOSTS file in the “C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\etc\\hosts” folder.

Where are registry keys stored in Internet Explorer?

Those registry keys are stored in the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\P3P\\History Domains that have been added as a managed site are listed under this subkey. These domains can carry either of the following DWORD values:

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