What vitamins are in apples?

What vitamins are in apples?

Nutrient density Apples contain small amounts of many vitamins and minerals and are well known for their vitamin C and potassium contents. One medium-sized apple provides more than 3% of the Daily Value (DV) for both ( 2 ). This fruit also boasts vitamin K, vitamin B6, manganese, and copper ( 2 ).

Which apples have the most vitamins?

The 6 Most Nutritious Apples You Can Buy

  • While it’s a myth that all of an apple’s nutrients are in the skin, that colorful outer layer definitely packs a major nutritional punch.
  • FUJI:
  • GALA:

What are the benefits of eating apples?

7 Outstanding Health Benefits of Apples

  • Apples May Lower High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.
  • Eating Foods With Fiber, Including Apples, Can Aid Digestion.
  • Apples Can Support a Healthy Immune System.
  • Apples Are a Diabetes-Friendly Fruit.
  • The Antioxidants in Apples May Play a Role in Cancer Prevention.

What is the fruit that has the most vitamin?

2 Avocado. The most nutritious fruit in the world. The reason, according to Health Online Zine, is that the fruit “contains in excess of 25 essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, E and K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.”

Which apple fruit is best?

1. Red Delicious

  • Research suggests that red-skinned apples have more anthocyanidins than other varieties.
  • Besides anthocyanidins, Red Delicious apples contain high levels of polyphenols called epicatechin, flavonoids, flavonols, and phloridzin ( 4 , 6 ).

How many apples should you eat a day?

02/8​How many apples can you eat in a day? On an average, a person can have one to two apples in a day. If you are having more than that, you can possibly experience some dangerous and uncomfortable side effects.

Should I stop eating apples?

Going above 70 grams is considered going overboard. Though for that one needs to eat 15 apples, it’s important to keep in mind the other sources of fibre in your daily diet. So, if you are having a healthy diet with more than two apples a day, it can lead to some serious digestive troubles.

Which fruits have the highest vitamins?

The top fruit is Melons, cantaloupe, raw with the highest vitamin a content, which in 100g contains 169 mcg of vitamin a . The total recommended daily allowance or RDA for vitamin a is 3000 mcg.

What foods have high vitamin?

The top 15 foods highest in vitamins include fish, dark leafy greens, seeds, broccoli, pork, beef, lamb, mushrooms, nuts, eggs, sweet bell peppers, avocados, peas, winter squash, and fruits.

What main nutrients does apples have?

What Nutrients Do Apples Provide? Vitamin C. Enjoying a 3-inch medium apple provides around 10 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement. Carbohydrates. Apples are rich in carbohydrates and virtually all of the calories in apples come from carbs. Fiber. Snacking on an apple sneaks a high amount of fiber into your diet. Eating Apples.

What vitamin does an apple give us?

One medium sized apple is going to provide about 0.111 mg of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 . This vitamin is essential for your body because it helps out in the synthesis of hormones and in digesting the food. One medium apple contains approximately 0.075 mg of vitamin B6.

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