Is Prepotent a word in English?

Is Prepotent a word in English?

preeminent in power, authority, or influence; predominant: a prepotent name in the oil business.

What are Prepotent responses?

a response that takes priority over other potential responses (e.g., a pain response).

How do you use Prepotent in a sentence?

An equally serious problem could arise if children had a prepotent response bias for answering multiple choice questions. Frankly, the prepotent title he goes under isn’t enough to lend his argument any legitimacy.

What is another word for Prepotent?

What is another word for prepotent?

dominant supreme
prevalent ascendant
predominant prevailing
regnant chief
principal pivotal

What is a Prepotent need?

A prepotent need is one that has the greatest influence over our actions. Everyone has a prepotent need, but that need will vary among individuals. According to Maslow, when the needs of one level are truly met, then a person can move up to the next level of need.

What is meant by Prepotency?

1 : the quality or state of being prepotent : predominance. 2 : unusual ability of an individual or strain to transmit its characters to offspring because of homozygosity for numerous dominant genes.

What is inhibition of Prepotent response?

Prepotent response inhibition refers to the ability to suppress a dominant motor response [Casey, Durston, & Fossella, 2001; Nigg, 2000], which requires completely cancelling the initiated response [reactive stopping; Aron, 2011].

What is an inhibitory response?

Response inhibition refers to the suppression of actions that are inappropriate in a given context and that interfere with goal-driven behavior.

What is relative Prepotency?

This is what we mean by saying that the basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency. The organism is dominated and its behavior organized only by unsatisfied needs. If hunger is satisfied, it becomes unimportant in the current dynamics of the individual.

What is high Prepotency?

noun Genetics. the ability of one parent to impress its hereditary characters on its progeny because it possesses more homozygous, dominant, or epistatic genes.

What is a go Nogo task?

In the go/no-go task, participants respond to certain stimuli (“go” stimuli) and make no response for others (“no-go” stimuli). The main dependent measure in go/no-go tasks is the commission error rate (making a “go” response on “no-go” trials); fewer errors signifies better response inhibition.

What is the most critical brain area to working memory?

the prefrontal cortex
The team looked at studies of the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that is crucial for working memory. Damage to this area of the brain can affect memory and our ability to perform tasks.

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