Who finds Bella in the woods in New Moon?

Who finds Bella in the woods in New Moon?

Sam Uley
Sam Uley, a young man from the La Push Indian reservation, finds Bella and carries her home. He’s part of a search party put together by Charlie and his old friend Billy.

Did Edward actually appear to Bella in New Moon?

When Bella hears, or, in one instance, sees Edward in New Moon, he can’t also hear and see her. Since this voice is a product of Bella’s subconscious, Edward does not actually see or hear her, nor does he know what is going on in Bella’s life other than through the partial information provided by Alice’s visions.

How did Jacob know Bella jumps off the cliff?

When Bella jumps off the cliff she screams. That is how Jacob knows she was cliff diving. Jacob was in his wolf form when she jumps,so his senses were keen enough to hear her,know where to find her. Bella doesn’t scream when she jumps.

What did Bella dream about in New Moon?

Opening, Bella’s dream about her grandmother. Bella arrives at school on her birthday. Edward crosses the parking lot towards her. Edward and Bella watch Romeo and Juliet in class. Looking at the painting, Edward explains The Volturi to Bella.

Where did Bella and Jacob go in New Moon?

Bella talks to Jacob at the movie theater. Jacob “breaks up” with Bella. Bella goes to the meadow and finds Laurent there. The wolf pack handles Laurent. Bella tells Charlie about the wolves and worries about Victoria. After seeing Paul and Jacob transform into wolves, Bella is taken to Emily’s house.

Who is the voice of Bella Swan in New Moon?

We hear Bella Swan ( Kristen Stewart )’s voice, quoting Friar Lawrence from “Romeo and Juliet”: “These violent delights have violent ends..” and, although we don’t know it yet, she is having a nightmare. She fights through a crowd of group of red cloaked strangers in the noon-day sun.

Why does Laurent want to kill Bella in New Moon?

Laurent tells Bella that Victoria, James’ mate, wants to kill Bella because Edward killed James: a mate for a mate. Laurent is thirsty, so he is going to kill Bella instead. Bella hears Edward’s voice, warning her of the imminent danger. In the nick of time, a pack of five huge wolves chases Laurent away.

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