Why was the French resistance called the Maquis?

Why was the French resistance called the Maquis?

Meaning. Originally the word came from the kind of terrain in which the armed resistance groups hid, high ground in southeastern France covered with scrub growth called maquis (shrubland).

Why are they called the Maquis?

Many Federation colonists who lived in those regions were ordered to evacuate their homes. Those who refused to relinquish their turf opted to fight against the Cardassians and the Federation. They called themselves the Maquis, after members of the French underground who fought against the Nazis in World War II.

What does maquis mean in English?

1 : thick scrubby evergreen underbrush of Mediterranean shores also : an area of such underbrush. 2 often capitalized. a : a guerrilla fighter in the French underground during World War II.

Who were the Maquis in the Spanish Civil War?

The Spanish Maquis were Spanish guerrillas exiled in France after the Spanish Civil War who continued to fight against Francoist Spain until the early 1960s, carrying out sabotage, robberies, occupations of the Spanish embassy in France and assassinations of Francoists, as well as contributing to the fight against Nazi …

What happened to the Maquis?

Well, simply speaking they were nearly wiped out, and at a minimum no longer a military force to be reckoned with. The end of the Michael Eddington story arc touched on this. It explained that after Cardassia sided with the Dominion, the Maquis were attacked and hammered to near extinction.

What was the motto of the French Resistance?

A legacy of the Age of Enlightenment, the motto “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” first appeared during the French Revolution. Although it was often called into question, it finally established itself under the Third Republic. It was written into the 1958 Constitution and is nowadays part of the French national heritage.

Who is the leader of the Maquis?

Leadership of Michael Eddington Using the materials from those captured cargos, the Maquis created a large cache of cobalt diselenide – a biogenic agent deadly to Cardassians.

Why do the Maquis have different Pips?

The rank insignia worn by the ex-Maquis crewmen aboard Voyager were lozenge-shaped rank pins with black or gold stripes rather than the standard pips used to show Starfleet rank. The design art for these rank pips was designed by Jim Magdaleno appeared in the Star Trek Encyclopedia (2nd ed., p.

Who was the leader of the Maquis?

Starfleet security officer and Maquis leader, Eddington served as Starfleet Security’s liason aboard DS9.

How many maquis were there?

So there were 36 Maquis who joined the ship in “Caretaker”.

What happened to the Spanish Maquis?

(January 2020) Click [show] for important translation instructions. Principal areas of Maquis activity within Spain (orange), 1939–1965….Spanish Maquis.

Date 1 April 1939 – 10 March 1965
Location Spain, Pyrenees
Result Francoist victory, decline and eventual extinction of Maquis activity

Who are the Cardassians based on?

In the series, set in the 24th century, the Cardassians are presented as living under a military government controlling an interstellar empire, the Cardassian Union. They are depicted occupying other planets, most notably Bajor….

Quadrant Alpha
Home world Cardassia Prime

What’s the difference between a garrigue and a Maquis?

Maquis. Both garrigue and maquis are associated with the Mediterranean climate within the Mediterranean region. However, the distinction is not clear and term use is inconsistent. Maquis shrubland is broadly similar to garrigue, but the vegetation is more dense, being composed of numerous closely spaced shrubs.

What did the French call the maquis during World War 2?

Once the Allies had secured a foothold in France the government of Free France attempted to unite the separate groups of Maquis under the banner of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) The national denomination given to all maquis forces during the war is “F.F.I.”, for Forces françaises de l’intérieur.

Who was the leader of the maquis group?

Georges Guingouin was one of the most active Communist maquis leaders. The British Special Operations Executive (SOE) helped the Maquis who were affiliated with the Free French with supplies and agents, but not the Communist maquis groups.

What did the US do with the Maquis?

The American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) also began to send its own agents to France in cooperation with the SOE and the French BCRA agents, as part of Operation Jedburgh. The Maquis had many different sub groups with their own objectives and political affiliations.

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