Can I rewrite my matric at Intec College?

Can I rewrite my matric at Intec College?

Complete your matric or simply rewrite it and open doors to endless opportunities!

Can I do matric online?

Registration for the matric exams can be done online or at any education district office. This must be done between October and January.

Is Intec College registered with umalusi?

Our Accreditation INTEC College (Pty) Ltd. is provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training.

Can you do matric online in South Africa?

Each year, the Department of Basic Education provides opportunities for South Africans over the age of 21 to rewrite one or all of their matric subjects. This programme is offered via online distance learning which means you will have to do some self-study while being supported by an online tutor.

Can I upgrade my matric at Damelin?

With Damelin’s option to improve your matric results, you will be able to apply to the university or course of your choice with the added benefit of having the marks you need. This is your life and it is up to you to do what will be good for your future!

Does Oxbridge Academy offer matric?

The Matric and Bridging Courses at Oxbridge Academy are designed for students who did not complete Matric at school. The aim of these courses is to give students the opportunity to reach the academic level that they need to continue with their studies at N1 or N4-level.

How much does it cost to rewrite matric?

The fee for a re-mark is R105 per paper that you want re-marked. The deadline for a re-mark is 22 January 2019. If you want to view your exam papers, then you can only do that AFTER the re-mark or re-check. You must apply to view your paper within seven days after the release of the re-mark or re-check.

Does Damelin do matric rewrite?

If you have already attempted a grade 12 subject but failed or were not happy with your grade, then you can chose to re-write the subject.

Does Damelin do matric?

Targeting education on a wider scale, Damelin Correspondence College offers courses ranging from Matric Certificates, right through to Certificates and Diplomas, which are backed by a 62 year legacy of quality distance education. The college also offers non-accredited short courses.

Are Intec qualifications Recognised?

Is INTEC College recognized? INTEC College is committed to meeting all the legal requirements, as far as the accreditation and registration are concerned. The college has been provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training.

How do I register for matric rewrite 2021?

Those interested in registering can visit their nearest Education District Office or register online at by 31 March 2021. This exam session is available to candidates who registered to write the November 2020 matric exam, but failed to meet the requirements for a certificate.

Does Jeppe College rewrite matric?

Matric Rewrite – Grade 11 &12 (full-time) ABET, levels 1-4 (Part-time and Full-time learning)

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