What am I doing wrong with my golf swing?

What am I doing wrong with my golf swing?

The most common error is a grip that is too weak, or turned too far to the left on top of the club. Another common error is a grip that is too strong, or turned too far to the right on top of the club. Often a grip that is too strong is the sign of a golfer trying to hit the ball too hard.

Is a sweeping golf swing bad?

Sweeping the ball reduces the chances of a poor shot by sliding over the turf and into the ball. One of the disadvantages is that most players typically cannot generate as much spin as when hitting down on the ball, so that should be considered when you’re trying to stick one.

Does a weak grip cause a slice?

Improper Grip Your grip should be hard enough to keep it from getting away but weak enough not to hurt it. Also, you might have a so-called “weak grip.” A weak grip means your thumbs are more on top of the club, so when you swing it, you will tend to open the club face and hit a slice.

How do you neutralize a swing path?

In order to neutralize the club path, the swing plane must actually be rotated to the left. Thus, with a descending attack angle, in order to create a straight club path, the swing plane must be rotated to the left of the target line (for right handers).

What is a sweeper in golf?

Sweepers tend to hit the ball with a level or upward stroke, sweeping the ball off the ground or tee. While this is the normal hitting stroke with a driver or a fairway wood, a true sweeper also plays iron shots with a sweeping motion, taking little or no divot from the fairway.

What’s the best way to fix a bad swing?

Top-ranked teacher Butch Harmon says the push happens when the lower body is overactive at the start of the downswing, spinning open and causing the club to get stuck behind the body. The best way to fix it, Harmon says, is to take a dramatically closed stance.

Who is the Best Golf Digest young teacher?

Matt Killen, a Golf Digest Best Young Teacher, says a loss of posture — typically with your shoulders and hips spinning out on the downswing — produces the top, where you make contact with the upper half of the ball.

How to avoid a pull on a golf swing?

The shoulder lurches out toward the ball at the start of the downswing, which throws the club to the outside, causing an out-to-in swing at impact. The clubface is square to the path, so the ball flies straight left. Butch Harmon says the key to avoiding a pull is keeping the right shoulder back.

What to do when you Whiff on a golf shot?

If you whiff from time to time, try this drill: Place a penny in front of your ball on the range, and using an iron try to hit the ball and the penny. Stickney says, “This will keep the club moving on a downward angle, and help you shift to your front foot.”–

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