What do forebears mean?

What do forebears mean?

: ancestor, forefather also : precursor —usually used in plural His forebears fought in the American Civil War.

Which is correct forebears or forebearers?

They sometimes choose forebearers, which makes a certain sense because our forefathers had to bear the responsibility of government before us. But the bear in forebear stems from the verb be plus the suffix -er, that is, forebears are really fore-be-ers — they existed (“to be”) before us.

How do you use forebears?

Forebears sentence example He was a delicate child, in direct contrast to a strong race of forebears , and inherited from his mother a refined, retiring disposition and a love for books. Compared to their Victorian forebears , today’s local administrations lack the powers to govern in the round.

What is the best definition of tendon?

: a tough cord or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue that unites a muscle with some other part (such as a bone) and transmits the force which the muscle exerts.

What is forbear in the Bible?

1 : hold back, abstain have forborne from taking part in any controversy— Abraham Lincoln. 2 : to control oneself when provoked : be patient forbore with his friend’s failings. forbear.

Who is forbearing person?

Someone who is forbearing behaves in a calm and sensible way at a time when they would have a right to be very upset or angry. [formal, approval] Synonyms: patient, easy, moderate, forgiving More Synonyms of forbearing.

How do you use forbear in a sentence?

Examples of forbear in a Sentence Verb He carefully forbore any mention of her name for fear of upsetting them. We decided to forbear provoking him any further. We decided to forbear from provoking him any further. He forebore to mention her name.

What is the meaning of Succour verb?

1 : relief also : aid, help. 2 : something that furnishes relief. succor. verb.

What is a tendon?

A tendon is a cord of strong, flexible tissue, similar to a rope. Tendons connect your muscles to your bones. The Achilles tendon, which connects your calf muscle to your heel bone, is the largest tendon in your body.

What is the meaning of tendon in science?

tendon, tissue that attaches a muscle to other body parts, usually bones. Tendons are the connective tissues that transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones; the tendon is firmly connected to muscle fibres at one end and to components of the bone at its other end.

What does the name forbears mean?

Forebear (also sometimes spelled “forbear”) was first used by our ancestors in the days of Middle English. Fore-means “coming before,” just as in “forefather,” and-bear means “one that is” (not to be confused with the “-bear” in the unrelated verb “forbear,” which comes from Old English beran, meaning “to bear or carry”).

What does forebear mean?

The definition of a forebear is a person’s ancestor. An example of a forebear is a person’s great great great grandfather.

What is another word for forebears?

Synonyms for forebear. a person from whom one is descended. Synonyms. ancestor. antecedent. ascendant. father. forefather.

What does forbearing mean?

Definition of forbearance. 1 : a refraining from the enforcement of something (such as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due The policy provides a means of forbearance for borrowers meeting certain criteria. 2 : the act of forbearing : patience He appreciated his wife’s forbearances.

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