What do you need to know about the mezuzah?

What do you need to know about the mezuzah?

A mezuzah is a small case that is hung to the right if one’s door, outside and/or inside, slanted towards the greater part of a room (and not the wall). Inside this case is a scroll with Deuteronomy 6:4-9 written, which is a command of God.

Why are mezuzah scrolls kept in special cases?

Written by a professional scribe on kosher parchment, mezuzahs (in Hebrew, mezuzot) are commonly kept in a special case in order to protect it from wear and tear. Originally mentioned in the Torah as a positive commandment, the mitzvah of mezuzah is one of the most popular traditions practiced by Jews around the world.

Who is the founder of mezuzahstore.com?

Our Story. MezuzahStore.com was started in 1999 by Aaron Shaffier a Torah scribe who believes that every Jewish home should have Kosher Mezuzahs on its doors. Since then we’ve provided Mezuzahs to over 20,000 customers around the world!

Can a crack in a mezuzah make it invalid?

Every single letter in the mezuzah must be properly formed. A single crack in the parchment or any omission can invalidate the entire scroll. A printed mezuzah is invalid. For this reason it is vital that it be purchased from a reputable scribe or retailer.

How big is the largest kosher mezuzah in the world?

In 2010, officials affixed the world’s largest kosher mezuzah (to be installed in a doorway) in the interior entranceway of Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport. The completed parchment and case together measure more than a meter in length. There have since been other, larger mezuzahs installed in other places. 13.

When do Jews kiss the mezuzah before bed?

The tradition in many Jewish homes is to place one’s hand on the mezuzah when passing through the doorway, and there are those who then kiss the hand that touched it. Some have the additional practice of raising their young children to kiss the mezuzah before going to bed, instilling within them an affection for G‑d and His commandments.

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