What grade is OFHC copper?

What grade is OFHC copper?

OFE (Oxygen-Free Electronic) or OFHC (Oxygen-Free High Thermal Conductivity) Copper is the highest purity grade of copper at 99.99%.

How is OFHC copper made?

OFHC is produced by the direct conversion of selected refined cathodes and castings under carefully controlled conditions to prevent contamination of the pure oxygen-free metal during processing. The method of producing OFHC copper ensures an extra high grade of metal with a copper content of 99.99%.

What is C1100?

Copper Alloy 110/C110/C1100 Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) is a very pure alloy of copper (99.9% min. cu). It is a versatile alloy because of its resistance to corrosion, high electrical and thermal conductivity, and its aesthetic quality.

What is C102 copper?

C102 Copper Alloy Wire (Cu-OF) C102 is an oxygen-free copper which has better forming, resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, and brazing characteristics than C110 ETP. C102 has good solderability and corrosion resistance and is used for high current applications.

Is C110 copper pure?

110 Copper is 99.9% pure copper with an electrical conductivity rating of 100+ % IACS.

What is c1100 copper?

Copper C11000 Machining Copper alloy 110 is an extremely popular copper alloy, with a wide range of applications due to its high corrosion resistance, conductivity, and finish. It has the highest electrical conductivity of any metal, except silver.

Is pure copper oxygen free?

Cu-OF (C10200) grade copper is oxygen-free up to 99.95%. This grade of copper boasts exceptional purity. While no copper is ever 100% pure, modern technology has allowed refiners to reduce the remaining oxygen content to a practical range of 0.001–0.003%. Cu-OFE (C10100) grade copper is oxygen-free up to 99.99%.

How can you tell if copper is pure?

All you have to do is clean your copper item with a mixture of table salt and vinegar and then observe the color change to find out if your object is made of copper. If the color that comes out after cleaning shinning reddish-brown, then it is indeed copper in a considerably pure form.

How can you tell real copper from fake?

Real copper should have a reddish-brown hue, like a penny. Brass items tend to have a yellowish tint. If your item is yellow, orange-yellow or even has elements of gray, you are probably dealing with brass. Strike your copper item against something and listen to the sound.

How are impurities removed from high conductivity copper?

Impurities are removed by either combining with fluxes to form a slag which is removed, or by being oxidised to vapour by air (oxygen). In oxygen-free high conductivity copper, all traces of oxygen are removed by either melting in a vacuum, using an inert atmosphere or a reducing environment resulting in a very pure (99.95%) copper.

How is oxygen free high conductivity copper made?

In oxygen-free high conductivity copper, all traces of oxygen are removed by either melting in a vacuum, using an inert atmosphere or a reducing environment resulting in a very pure (99.95%) copper. It is not possible to remove every trace of impurity; no copper is 100% pure but OFHC has only a trace of oxygen.

What should the temperature of OFHC copper be?

In the case of OFHC copper, this softening occurs at temperatures above 150 o C. It has been established experimentally that such copper would operate successfully at a temperature of 105 o C for periods of 20-25 years, and that it could withstand short-circuit conditions as high as 250 o C for a few seconds without any adverse effect.

What can OFHC be used for in electronics?

OFHC is used in specialist, powerful electronic equipment such as that used to generate microwaves. Microwaves are the invisible, super-energetic, short wavelength radio waves that travel at the speed of light used in microwave ovens and radar (radio detection and ranging) navigation equipment.

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