What is the anatomy of hippocampus?

What is the anatomy of hippocampus?

The hippocampus is a convex elevation of gray matter tissue within the parahippocampal gyrus inside the inferior temporal horn of the lateral ventricle. One can describe it more holistically as a curved and recurved sheet of the cortex that folds into the temporal lobe’s medial surface.

What is the function of the hippocampus in the human brain?

Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory. It is a plastic and vulnerable structure that gets damaged by a variety of stimuli.

What structures make up the hippocampus?

From the ventricular surface to the dentate gyrus, the hippocampus is made up of:

  • an external plexiform layer,
  • a stratum oriens layer,
  • a pyramidal cell layer,
  • a stratum radiatum layer,
  • a stratum lacunosum-moleculare layer.

What is the human hippocampus?

The hippocampus is an important part of the limbic system in the human brain that has essential roles in spatial navigation and the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory1,2.

Do we have 2 hippocampus?

Because the brain is lateralized and symmetrical, you actually have two hippocampi. They are located just above each ear and about an inch-and-a-half inside your head.

What is the anatomy of the human brain?

The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. Cerebrum: is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and fine control of movement.

What emotions does the hippocampus control?

The hippocampus, located in the medial temporal lobe and connected with the amygdala that controls emotional memory recalling and regulation (Schumacher et al., 2018); it has increased the functional connectivity with anterior cingulate or amygdala during emotional regulation and recalling of positive memory (Guzmán- …

What is the right hippocampus responsible for?

The hippocampus helps humans process and retrieve two kinds of memory, declarative memories and spatial relationships. Spatial relationship memories appear to be stored in the right hippocampus. The hippocampus is also where short-term memories are turned into long-term memories.

What is the major output of the hippocampus?

The major input to the hippocampus is through the entorhinal cortex (EC), whereas its major output is via CA1 to the subiculum. Information reaches CA1 via two main pathways, direct and indirect.

How many neurons are in the human hippocampus?

‘ Recent studies have indeed shown that a human being generates around 1500 new neurons per day in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. This is small in number compared to the 100 billion neurons in the brain.

Where is the human hippocampus?

medial temporal lobe
The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe of the brain. In this lateral view of the human brain, the frontal lobe is at left, the occipital lobe at right, and the temporal and parietal lobes have largely been removed to reveal the hippocampus underneath.

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