Is electrocute Viktor good?

Is electrocute Viktor good?

Electrocute: The second popular keystone on Viktor. You sacrifice mobility for more damage. Since Phase Rush got nerfed, i’ve been running this setup instead with great success. It doesn’t leave you that immobile anymore because you still have the bonus movement speed from your upgraded Q and Luden’s Tempest.

Why is Viktor so strong league?

Viktor has recently received a light rework in patch 10.23. Viktor has always been a very specific pick in professional League of Legends. His previous Hex Core passive made him strong in specific metas that catered towards snowballing and cheap items.

Does Viktor counter Yasuo?

Viktor has to counter Yasuo in only 7.2% of his games. Viktor has done a ok job of beating Yasuo. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50.4% of the time the champions clash against one another in.

Does Viktor scale well?

Viktor gets ‘outscaled’ in a sense that it takes him longer/more than most to hit late game relevancy. Getting your hex upgrades in a timely manner is what can make or break you if all things are equal and enemy is somewhat decent at abusing leads/early strengths.

Which Viktor skin is the best?

Currently, the best Viktor skin in League of Legends is PsyOps Viktor. It’s also his latest skin. In this instance, Viktor is a leader of the rogue military better known as the Black Rose Group.

Does Viktor ULT disrupt?

Viktor’s ult doesn’t have Silence. It used to back in season 4 and before. The crowd control type it applies now is called Disrupt.

Who is the villain in Arcane?

Harley Quinn
One of the easiest points of reference for Jinx — both for the character in “League of Legends,” her voice actor in the show, Ella Purnell, and “Arcane’s” showrunners — is the DC Comics villain Harley Quinn..

Does Viktor counter Zed?

Viktor has done a decent job of countering Zed. Normally, he wins a acceptable 51.4% of matches the champs oppose each other in. In Viktor versus Zed matches, Viktor’s team is 0.0% more likely to earn first blood.

Does Yone counter Viktor?

This particular champion pairing is somewhat rare. Yone encounters Viktor in only 1.6% of his rounds. Yone has done a ok job of beating Viktor. Normally, he wins a acceptable 49.8% of the time the champs face off with each other in.

Is Viktor strong late game?

In the late game, Viktor becomes one of the strongest AP carries in the game. He can kite out and zone through his Q and W while also dealing tons of damage with his E and R.

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