What is bs4872?

What is bs4872?

BS 4872 applies to a wide range of general fabrication work where an approved welding procedure test is not required. Welds would usually be carried out in accordance with written instructions and the test weld, subject to visual or surface inspection, a bend and fracture test.

What are the 4 fillet weld positions?

What Are the Different Welding Positions?

  • Flat position.
  • Horizontal position.
  • Vertical position.
  • Overhead position.

Which welding is used for off shore welding?

Underwater welding is used in the repair of offshore structures and pipelines, ships, submarines, and nuclear reactors. Current techniques that are generally used are wet underwater welding and hyperbaric welding. The most commonly used wet welding technique is SMAW and FCAW including self-shielded FCAW (60).

What is ASME IX welding?

ASME section IX is a part of the ASME boiler pressure vessel code that contains the rules for qualifying welding procedures and welders. It is also used to qualify welders and procedures for welding to ASME B31. 3.

What is 5G welding?

5G Position In the 5G welding position, the pipe is in the horizontal position. Unlike the 1G position, the pipe is in a fixed position and it cannot be rotated. The welder moves around the pipe in the vertical direction to perform the welding.

What is the hardest welding position?

H-L045 / 6G Uphill and J-L045 / 6G Downhill: The hardest positions for a welder to perform. Usually only performed on weld tests, in order to qualify a welder for all other positions. This is essentially the same as PH / PJ / 5G but with the pipe at a 45ยบ angle.

Which is strongest fillet joint?

The absolute strongest weld that can be made in routine applications would be a type of weld made via the welding technique of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding, also known as GTAW welding. TIG welders are known for creating clean and strong welds.

How deep can underwater welders go?

Special control techniques have been applied which have allowed welding down to 2,500 m (8,200 ft) simulated water depth in the laboratory, but dry hyperbaric welding has thus far been limited operationally to less than 400 m (1,300 ft) water depth by the physiological capability of divers to operate the welding …

Do you need BS 4872 to be a welder?

However, to ensure an adequate level of skill, welders are often recommended to a less stringent standard such as the BS 4872 Welder Coding. The BS 4872 welder coding certification offers a measure of competence to people who are using welding for maintenance or as a small part of their job role.

What are the requirements for BS EN 4872 Part 1?

BS EN 4872 Part 1specifies the requirements for the approval testing of welders in ferritic or austenitic (stainless) steels. BS 4872-1:1982 – Specification for approval testing of welders where a welding procedure is not required.

Do you need a MiG test for bs4872?

The BS4872 I suspect will require the same tests regardless of process. My MIG test pieces were done in set positions, and a set of pieces destructive tested at the college, and a set sent off for testing by an approved testing centre. Welds had to include a stop start in the middle.

Can a 6g position be coded in BS 4872?

Click the link to see the different positions in welding. 6g is thought to be a difficult and awkward position, and when you are coded in the 6g position, it covers you for a multitude of less difficult welding positions. You can be coded in 6g using BS 4872, ASME IX or ISO 9606 standards. What is ASME coded welding?

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