What is the equation for the formation of aspirin?

What is the equation for the formation of aspirin?

Aspirin C9H8O4 is made when salicylic acid C7H6O3 reacts with ethanoic anhydride C4H6O3 . The equation for this reaction is: C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 → C9H8O4 + CH3COOH Calculate the maximum mass of aspirin that could be made from 100 g of salicylic acid.

How is aspirin broken down?

Aspirin is readily broken down in the body to salicylic acid, which itself has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects. In 2012, salicylic acid was found to activate AMP-activated protein kinase, which has been suggested as a possible explanation for some of the effects of both salicylic acid and aspirin.

Does aspirin have a formula?

Aspirin Formula and Structure The chemical formula for Acetylsalicylic Acid is C9H8O4. Similarly, the extended formula for the same is said to be CH3COOC6H4COOH. Further, the molecular mass of it is around 180.159 g mol-1.

How do you calculate the experimental yield of aspirin?

Example: Start with 0.027moles of aspirin (limiting reagent) going to 0.027moles of salicylic acid. 3. Divide the number of grams of product obtained experimentally, by the number of grams obtained in the theoretical yield calculations and multiply by 100 to calculate the percent yield.

What type of reaction is the synthesis of aspirin?

esterification reaction
The synthesis of aspirin is known in organic chemistry as an esterification reaction. This is a substitution reaction in which an alcohol (the –OH group in salicylic acid) reacts with acetic anhydride to form an ester, aspirin.

What is CH3CO 2O?

Acetic anhydride, or ethanoic anhydride, is the chemical compound with the formula (CH3CO)2O.

What metabolizes aspirin?

Aspirin is metabolized by three key enzymes, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (UGT1A6), cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9), and N-acetyl transferase 2 (NAT2). Each of these enzymes is known to have genetic polymorphisms.

How do you write Iupac name for aspirin?

To recall, aspirin is also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and is used as a medication (as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medicine)….Aspirin Chemical Formula.

Chemical Formula of Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) C9H8O4
Extended Molecular Formula of Aspirin CH3COOC6H4COOH

What is the Iupac name of aspirin?

2-Acetoxybenzoic acid
Aspirin/IUPAC ID

How do you find the limiting reagent in aspirin?

  1. ( 0.15 g) / (180.2 g/mol) = 8.32×10-4 mol of aspirin. thus volume needeed = (8.32×10-4 mol of aspirin) / (0.500 mol/L) = 1.7×10-3 L or 1.7 mL.
  2. (0.76 mL) x (0.500 mol/L) = 0.38 mmol aspirin. (0.38 mmol) x (180.2 g/mol) = 0.068 g aspirin.

What is yield of aspirin?

Using the starting mass of Salicylic acid, use stoichiometry to calculate the theoretical yield of aspirin. Molar mass of salicylic acid and aspirin are 138.12 g/mol and 180.16 g/mol, respectively. 4.55 g of aspirin was produced from the reaction, which is your actual yield.

What kind of dissociation reaction does aspirin have?

Aspirin is a monoprotic weak acid, K a = 2.8 x 10 -4 at 25 oC, so very little of the molecular aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) dissociates to form acetylsalicylate ions. For the equilibrium dissociation reaction:

Which is an end product of the aspirin synthesis reaction?

The two starting materials in the aspirin synthesis reaction were acetic anhydride and salicylic acid. In the reaction between acetic anhydride and water, a gas was released that gave off a smell similar to that of vinegar. This gas was acetic acid; an end product in the aspirin synthesis reaction, thus the NMR spectrum of acetic acid was analyzed.

What is the rate of hydrolysis of aspirin?

The rate of this reaction is said to be second order, since it is dependent not only upon the aspirin concentration, but upon solution pH. At pH = 7.5, the rate expression for the hydrolysis of aspirin may be written: [ ][ ] − [ ] =K A OH −.

What is the chemical formula for aspirin Pubchem CID 2244?

Aspirin PubChem CID 2244 Structure Find Similar Structures Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS Molecular Formula C9H8O4 or CH3COOC6H4COOH or HC9H7O4 Synonyms aspirin ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 50-78-2

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