What is the meaning of dengue NS1?

What is the meaning of dengue NS1?

NS1 tests detect the non-structural protein NS1 of dengue virus. This protein is secreted into the blood during dengue infection. NS1 tests have been developed for use in serum. Most of these tests use synthetically labeled antibodies to detect dengue NS1 protein.

What is difference between dengue NS1 and IgM?

NS1 antigen is generally found during Day 1 and up to Day 9 after onset of fever. The detection of anti-NS1 is inhibited if anti-NS1 antibodies produced. Whereas IgM become detectable by Day 3 to Day 5 after onset of illness in primary dengue and by Day 1 to Day 2 after onset of illness in secondary infections.

What are the 4 types of dengue fever?

There are four serotypes of dengue viruses, designated as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4; all are transmitted from human to human through the bite of certain species of Aedes mosquitoes, primarily Ae. aegypti and Ae.

How do you treat dengue NS1 positive?

The NS1 antigen test is the most effective for early diagnosis of dengue infection. The main focus of treatment is to ensure that the patient gets adequate hydration. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is used to manage the fever. If the symptoms are treated properly, the patient should recover in around two weeks.

How long is NS1 positive?

Positive test for DENV may mean that NS1 antigen is typically detectable within 1 to 2 days following infection and up to 9 days following symptom onset. NS1 antigen may also be detectable during secondary dengue virus infection, but for a shorter duration of time (1-4 days following symptom onset).

Which test is best for dengue?

Here are the common tests recommended to diagnose dengue:

  1. Dengue NS1 Antigen. This is a blood test to detect the dengue virus early in the course of an infection.
  2. Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
  3. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
  4. Dengue RNA PCR test.

What is IgG dengue?

Positive IgM and IgG tests for dengue antibodies detected in an initial blood sample mean that it is likely that the person became infected with dengue virus within recent weeks. IgM antibody tests can be positive if a person has been infected with a similar virus, such as chikungunya (called cross-reaction).

What is serotype 2 dengue?

Dengue serotype 2 (DEN-2) viruses with the potential to cause dengue hemorrhagic fever have been shown to belong to the Southeast (SE) Asian genotype. These viruses appear to be rapidly displacing the American genotype of DEN-2 in the Western Hemisphere.

Is Tawa Tawa effective for dengue?

Their findings conclude that tawa-tawa possesses “significant antiviral and platelet increasing activities”. However, the researchers recommended conducting more controlled tests on tawa-tawa, as it has very promising potential as a cure against dengue.

Can NS1 be false negative?

False-negative NS1 tests have been reported in dengue serotypes 2 and 4 infections. NS1 tests are also reported to be less sensitive in secondary dengue.

What if dengue IgG is positive and IgM negative?

Positive IgM and IgG tests for dengue antibodies detected in an initial blood sample mean that it is likely that the person became infected with dengue virus within recent weeks. If the IgG is positive but the IgM is low or negative, then it is likely that the person had an infection sometime in the past.

When to use DENV NS1 rapid diagnostic test?

The DENV NS1 protein in serum sample is detectable either by a lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or ELISA format 12 as early as the onset of fever until 8–9 days later, a post-viremic time when the nucleic acid detection has often become negative 22, 23, 24.

Which is the best way to diagnose dengue?

Laboratory diagnosis • Two Basic Methods : 1. Detection Of Dengue Virus • Isolation Of Virus By Culture • Detection Of Viral Nucleic Acid • Detection Of Viral Antigens 2. Detection of Anti Dengue Antibodies 5. KINETICS OF DENGUE VIRUS REPLICATION AND HOST RESPONSE 6.

How is IgG ELISA used to diagnose dengue?

26.  The IgG ELISA • is used for the detection of recent or past dengue infections (if paired sera are collected within the correct time frame).  IgM/ IgG ratio • A dengue virus E/M protein-specific IgM/IgG ratio can be used to distinguish primary from secondary dengue virus infections.

How is RT PCR used to diagnose dengue?

REAL TIME RT-PCR • The real-time RT-PCR assay is a one step assay system used to quantitate viral RNA and using primer pairs and probes that are specific to each dengue serotype. The use of a fluorescent probe enables the detection of the reaction products in real time, in a specialized PCR machine, without the need for electrophoresis.

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