How do I track a specific URL in Google Analytics?

How do I track a specific URL in Google Analytics?

In Google Analytics, go to Behavior -> All Pages and enter the name of your folder in the search field. You will get a list of URLs in that folder with standard metrics. For SEO traffic to the pages, you can select Behavior -> Landing Pages and view completely different set of metrics.

How do I track custom UTM links in Google Analytics?

Now head over to your Google Analytics Tag in GTM and expand More Settings. Under Custom Dimensions define the Index Number that corresponds with your Audience Dimension and set the Dimension Value using the utm_audience variable. Click save, publish your changes and you are done.

How do I create a trackable URL?

How to Create Trackable Links to Measure Your Campaigns

  1. Google URL Builder.
  2. Step #1: Paste the Link.
  3. Step #2: Create Campaign Source.
  4. Step #3: Create Campaign Medium.
  5. Step #4: Create Campaign Team.
  6. Step #5: Add Campaign Content.
  7. Step #6: Add Campaign Name.
  8. Google URL Shortener.

How do I track custom campaigns in Google Analytics?

How to set up Custom Campaigns?

  1. Step 1: Identify the destination URL you want to track.
  2. Step 2: Select a variable for each of the UTM parameters you want to use.
  3. Step 3: Create a tracking link by adding the campaign tags to the destination URL.
  4. Step 4: Place the tracking links.
  5. Step 5: Check your Google Analytics reports.

How do I create a custom report in Google Analytics for a specific page?

Create a Custom Report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Navigate to your view.
  3. Open Reports.
  4. Click Customization > Custom Reports > +New Custom Report.
  5. Enter a Title.
  6. (Optional) Click +add report tab.
  7. Select a report type: Explorer, Flat Table, Map Overlay, or Funnel.
  8. Define your dimension and metrics.

How do I track page visits in Google Analytics?

How to Track Page Views of a Certain Page in Google Analytics

  1. Navigate to in your Web browser.
  2. Click the “View report” link next to the website on which you want to track page views.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “View Report” link at the bottom of the “Content Overview” section.

How do I track my UTM link?

Once you add the UTM code to your campaign’s URL, you can track the performance in Google Analytics in a few different reports.

  1. Create a custom report under “Customization” > “Custom Reports”.
  2. Go to Acquisition → Overview → All Traffic → Source/Medium to view traffic.

How do I find custom parameters in Google Analytics?

You can always click the Parameter reporting tab on top of the All events report to see a list of the events that have custom parameters enabled, and you can click the event name to edit the parameters. Once you see the parameter selector, you can search for the parameters name in the list.

How do I create a Google tracking template?

To add the tracking template in the ad group:

  1. Login to your Google Ads account > Ad groups > Click on the ad group you want to add the tracking template.
  2. Click on the settings at the left-hand panel > Additional settings.
  3. Click on Ad group URL option > put the tracking code and save your settings.

What is Google URL builder?

Google describes Google URL Builder as: “This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics”. Put simply, Google URL Builder helps you measure which of your marketing campaigns are performing well, and which aren’t.

What is campaign URL builder?

Google’s Campaign URL Builder is a free tool that allows you to better track where your highest value traffic is coming by using UTM codes. Google Analytics is an amazing tool that provides a lot of information on how people discovered your site and what they did once they were there.

What is custom report Google Analytics?

A Custom Report is a report that you create. You pick the dimensions (City and Browser, for example) and metrics (Sessions, Pageviews, and Bounce Rate, for example) and decide how they should be displayed. You must specify at least one dimension and one metric.

How to Track campaign URLs in Google Analytics?

Campaign tracking simply allows you to add special tracking code to your URL, also known as ‘tagging’ URLs, to identify how users are getting to your site. For example: Instead of using this link in your email marketing campaigns:

How to create Custom URLs for Google Analytics?

You can add parameters and values to your URLs manually, or you can use one of the following platform-specific URL-builder tools to create your URLs and append the parameters. Links to websites: Use the Campaign URL Builder on the Google Analytics Demos & Tools site. Android-app ads: Use the Google Play URL Builder.

Why do we use UTM codes in Google Analytics?

A type of URL tagging, using UTM codes ensure your destination URLs are labelled with specific campaign names when they’re reported in Google Analytics. Put simply, this enables you to break down traffic that’s usually only reported by its source and attribute it to individual emails or paid search campaigns that you’re running.

Are there different types of tracking in Google Analytics?

Below are the different combinations of Analytics tracking: Auto-tagging only Manual Analytics tagging Value Track manual tagging only Value Track manual tagging and auto-tagging Value Track manual tagging and manual analytics tagging

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