What postcode is wollaton?

What postcode is wollaton?

Area Information for Wollaton Vale, Nottingham, NG8 2GR. Wollaton Vale in Nottingham is in the East Midlands region of England. The postcode is within the Wollaton West ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Nottingham South.

What area does NG8 cover?


Postcode district Post town Coverage
NG6 NOTTINGHAM Bestwood Village, Bulwell, Old Basford
NG7 NOTTINGHAM New Basford, Forest Fields, Hyson Green, Radford, Lenton
NG8 NOTTINGHAM Aspley, Wollaton, Whitemoor, Bilborough, Strelley
NG9 NOTTINGHAM Beeston, Stapleford, Lenton Abbey, Chilwell, Trowell, Bramcote

Where in Nottingham is NG8?

NG8 is in the county of Nottinghamshire. It is 4km north of the town of Beeston, and contains Wollaton, Bilborough, Aspley, Cinderhill, and Beechdale. NG8 is 4km west of the city of Nottingham. NG8 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.

What area is NG9?

NG9 is in the county of Nottinghamshire. It contains the towns of Beeston and Stapleford, as well as Chilwell, Bramcote, Attenborough, Trowell, and Toton. NG9 is 7km south-west of the city of Nottingham. NG9 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.

What county is NG7?

NG7 is located in the county of Nottinghamshire, in England….Nottinghamshire.

Outward Code NG7
County Nottinghamshire
Region Nottinghamshire
Country England
Local Authority Nottingham

Is NG5 city or county?

NG5 is located in the county of Nottinghamshire, in England. Nottinghamshire has a total population of 1,136,000, making it the 15th largest county in the UK….Nottinghamshire.

Outward Code NG5
MSOA Name Gedling 006
LSOA Name Gedling 006D
County Nottinghamshire
Region Nottinghamshire

What postcode is Dn?

The S64 postcode district for Mexborough was earmarked as DN13, which has never been used. Otherwise, the area’s districts are numbered sequentially up to DN22, and from DN31 to DN41….Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode area DN
Postcode area name Doncaster
Post towns 13
Postcode districts 33

Which council is NG8?

There are 16 electoral wards in the NG8 postcode area, including Grantham, Mansfield, Newark, Nottingham, Sleaford, Southwell, Sutton-In-Ashfield which come under the local authority of the Nottingham Council….Nottinghamshire.

Outward Code NG8
Local Authority Nottingham
Area Classification Urban with Minor Conurbation

Where is s postcode?

These cover most of South Yorkshire (including Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham and Mexborough), parts of north Derbyshire (including Chesterfield, Dronfield and the Hope Valley) and north-west Nottinghamshire (including Worksop).

What county is Nottingham in?


Region East Midlands
Ceremonial county Nottinghamshire
Settled 600
City Status 1897

What borough is wollaton?

Wollaton proper is entirely situated in the City of Nottingham, although a small part of the Broxtowe borough may be referred to as Wollaton by local people.

Is Nottingham rough?

Nottingham is the most dangerous major city in Nottinghamshire, and is among the top 20 most dangerous overall out of Nottinghamshire’s 245 towns, villages, and cities. The most common crimes in Nottingham are violence and sexual offences, with 12,636 offences during 2020, giving a crime rate of 40.

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