What is the boring definition?

What is the boring definition?

: causing weariness and restlessness through lack of interest : causing boredom : tiresome a boring lecture. Other Words from boring Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About boring.

What is a better word for boring?

dull, humdrum, lifeless, monotonous, mundane, stale, stodgy, stuffy, stupid, tame, tedious, tiresome, tiring, trite, uninteresting, bomb, bummer, cloying, commonplace, dead.

What does a boring person mean?

adjective. Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.

How would you describe something boring?

Another useful alternative to ‘boring’ is the adjective tedious: I very rarely iron clothes – I find it so tedious. Moving on now to adjectives with a slight additional meaning, if something is boring and it makes you feel sad or hopeless, you might describe it as dreary: It was another dreary day in the office.

What does kinda bored mean?

1. ( I am kind of bored) it means that you are a little bit bored, but not too much. 2. ( I am bored) means that you are completely bored. “Bored”, means that you have nothing to do.

What do you call a boring person?

fuddy-duddy. nounold-fashion person. dotard. dull person. fogy.

What does bored mean in slang?

I’m bored is a common way for kids (and internet users) to complain about their lack of interest in what’s going on around them. It’s often seen in expressions like I’m bored by/to/of/with (something).

How do you know if you’re boring?

Boring people are predictable. They use too many tired cliches. They agree too readily and too often, and they rarely express any strong opinions of their own. Bores can sometimes be overly-solicitous—they appear too nice, always complimenting others over and over again.

Who is a dull person?

The definition of dull is someone who is stupid or boring or something that is not shiny or something that is not sharp.

How do you say very boring?

Synonyms of ‘boring’

  1. uninteresting. Why did he choose these pale, nerveless, uninteresting people?
  2. dull. They can both be rather dull.
  3. tedious. the tedious business of line-by-line programming.
  4. dreary. They live such dreary lives.
  5. stale. repeating stale jokes to kill the time.
  6. tiresome.
  7. monotonous.
  8. old.

What does bored mean slang?

Which is the best dictionary definition of boring?

Define boring. boring synonyms, boring pronunciation, boring translation, English dictionary definition of boring. adj. Uninteresting and tiresome; dull. bor′ing·ly adv. bor′ing·ness n. Synonyms: boring , monotonous , tedious , irksome , tiresome These adjectives refer…

What do you need to know about soil borings?

If soil borings or soil pits are utilized, it is Highly recommended a certified soil scientist or geotechnical engineer interpret the borings. Knowing the soils in the area of a proposed infiltration best management practice (BMP) helps determine the suitability and design of the BMP.

Do you have to be boring to be useful?

The post Thesis and Adobe prove SEO content doesn’t have to be boring to be useful appeared first on Search Engine Watch. On the other, it’s a sturdy, boring molecule that isn’t electrically, chemically, or optically active. Outside experts say that whenever there’s a boring explanation, it’s usually right.

Is there such a thing as a boring molecule?

On the other, it’s a sturdy, boring molecule that isn’t electrically, chemically, or optically active. Outside experts say that whenever there’s a boring explanation, it’s usually right.

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