What does a cross section mean in anatomy?

What does a cross section mean in anatomy?

Cross-section: In anatomy, a transverse cut through a structure or tissue.

What does cross section mean in science?

Cross-section. (Science: physics) Usually refers to the (apparent) area presented by a target particle to an oncoming particle (or electromagnetic wave). This measures the probability of an interaction occuring.

What are terms for a cross section?

Synonyms of cross section

  • sample,
  • sampler,
  • sampling,
  • selection,
  • slice.

What is longitudinal section and cross section?

A longitudinal section is a section done by a plane along the long axis of a structure. It pertains to a section done by a plane along the long axis of a structure in contrast to a cross-section, which refers to the transverse section.

What is a cross section of a plant?

Cross section of a root: axis of the plant which grows in the opposite direction from the stem, maintain the plant in place and absorbs nutrients. Piliferous stratum: set of cells on the outer layer that carry the root hairs. Cortex: part of the root that protects the pith.

Is cross section and transverse section the same?

Sections through or parallel to either the sagittal or coronal (also called frontal) plane are longitudinal. A transverse section is perpendicular the anterior-posterior axis and is also called a cross section .

What does a cross section represent?

A cross section is the shape we get when cutting straight through an object. The cross section of this object is a triangle. It is like a view into the inside of something made by cutting through it.

What is the purpose of cross section?

Cross sections are a power tool that ensures high quality production and products. Preparation of a cross section is a destructive process, a section of the production panel is cut out, in most cases a specially designed Test coupon is used (these are placed on every panel).

What is the meaning of area of cross section?

The cross-sectional area is the area of a two-dimensional shape that is obtained when a three-dimensional object – such as a cylinder – is sliced perpendicular to some specified axis at a point. For example, the cross-section of a cylinder – when sliced parallel to its base – is a circle.

What is longitudinal section?

Longitudinal section: A section that is cut along the long axis of a structure. Longitudinal section is the opposite of cross-section.

What is a cross section of a stem?

A cross section of a stem shows xylem and phloem arranged in a ring around the periphery. A cross section of a root shows xylem and phloem centrally located.

Which is the best definition of a cross section?

A planar section through a structure in any plane; a two-dimensional slice through an anatomic structure. 3. The probability of an activation (q.v., sense 5) by a nuclear reaction when a material is bombarded by neutrons, as in the production of radionuclides in a pile; unit: barn (10-24 cm2/atom). cross-sec·tion.

What makes a cross section of a river channel?

Producing a cross-section of a river channel is fundamental to all river studies. Reinforced concrete elements of circular (solid) cross-section and the elements of annular (hollow) cross-section are usually compressed.

Why is it important to know about cross sectional anatomy?

Anatomical cross-sections involve cutting a structure at right angles to its main axis and viewing the newly formed cut face in two dimensions. This view provides the essential view of “depth” often misused in medical education, which together with the usual length-width representation would result in a whole.

Why are cross sections important in a MRI?

More importantly, the cross sections were “easier to read” and they “better define the outlines and limits to better understand the MRI”. Stated more succinctly, cross-sections are essential. So far, it appears that cross-sections tick the boxes of preference and understanding. However, it seems they tick the box of efficiency as well.

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