What is PYP scope and sequence?

What is PYP scope and sequence?

The language scope and sequence is structured around broad, transferable ideas—conceptual understandings—that all learners need to understand to become confident, creative and effective communicators. The document has been generalized to apply to as many language groups and language learning situations as possible.

What are the 5 essential elements of the PYP?

To achieve a balance in learning, the PYP emphasizes the five parts of the curriculum which are called the Essential Elements of the curriculum. These five elements are CONCEPTS, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ATTITUDES and ACTION.

What is PYP physical education?

PSPE in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is concerned with the individual’s well-being through the promotion and development of concepts, knowledge, attitudes and skills that contribute to this well- being. Well-being is intrinsically linked to all aspects of a student’s experience at school and beyond.

Which are the PYP disciplines?

The PYP identifies a body of critical knowledge for students in all cultures in six subject areas:

  • English Language & Social Studies. Language is central to a child’s development.
  • Mathematics.
  • Science, Social Studies & Technology.
  • Visual & Performing Arts.
  • Personal, Social & Physical Education.
  • Polish.

What is the PYP curriculum?

The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. It is a student-centered approach to education for children aged 3-12. It reflects the best of educational research, thought leadership and experience derived from IB World Schools.

What is PYP framework?

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a transdisciplinary curriculum framework that offers authentic learning experiences. The PYP encourages students to learn to appreciate knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and personal attributes as a connected whole.

What is the nature and scope of physical education?

To define physical education, we need to say that it is an educational process that aims to improve human development and performance through physical activity. On an individual level, physical education is an agent for health and wellness that can promote personal responsibility and control for active lifestyles.

What are the ATL skills?

5 Categories of ATL Skills: Thinking Skills Communication. Skills. Self. Management. Skills. Research Skills. Social Skills.

  • 6 Approaches to Teaching: Based on inquiry. Focused on. conceptual. understanding. Developed in. local and global. contexts. Focused on. effective. teamwork and. collaboration. Differentiated to. meet the needs.
  • What are key concepts in PYP?

    The PYP consists of 8 key concepts, namely: Form, Function, Causation, Change, Connection, Perspective, Responsibility and Reflection.

    What is a scope and sequence example?

    a scope and sequence is a list of all the ideas, concepts and topics that will be covered in the… So, for instance, the scope and sequence for a course about geology would be a list of all of the geology concepts covered in the course. Examples of scope and sequence can be found online.

    How do I create a scope and sequence?

    How to Build a Scope and Sequence

    1. Determine the amount of time you will be teaching REAL Essentials.
    2. Consider themes in the audience that you want to address using REAL Essentials.
    3. Highlight the lessons in the REAL Essentials table of contents that address the themes you listed in step 2.

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