Does cervical polyp affect pregnancy?

Does cervical polyp affect pregnancy?

The presence of cervical polyps and/or polypectomy during pregnancy may have markedly increased the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or PTB. It may be preferable not to perform polypectomy on pregnant patients with cervical polyp, particularly with decidual polyps, except for suspected malignancy [14].

How are cervical polyps treated during pregnancy?

More often during pregnancy a polyp is removed by tying a surgical ligature around the base and cutting it off. Removal of the base is done by electrocautery or laser vaporization.

What causes a cervical polyp to bleed?

Cervical polyps may be caused by chronic inflammation or infection. Usually, cervical polyps do not cause any symptoms, but they may cause bleeding or a puslike discharge. Doctors can usually diagnose cervical polyps during a pelvic examination.

Is it safe to remove cervical polyps during pregnancy?

Polypectomy using an Endoloop PDS II ™ during pregnancy can be responsible for miscarriage and preterm delivery. Cervical polyps should not be removed in pregnant women except in cases where a malignancy is suspected.

What causes polyps during pregnancy?

Polyps are also common during pregnancy. This may occur due to an increase in the hormone estrogen. Cervical polyps are usually benign, or not cancerous, and cervical cancer rarely arises from them. Most cervical cancers are due to the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is also the cause of genital warts.

Can you remove a polyp while pregnant?

Can you have a healthy pregnancy with polyps?

There are possibilities you can still become pregnant, even if you have polyps in your uterus. While there is a connection between uterine polyps and infertility, the proper care and treatment could help you achieve pregnancy. Polyps are oval-shaped.

How does cervix affect pregnancy?

The cervix is rigid and closed before pregnancy, but it softens and elongates during pregnancy. However, during labor, the cervix shortens and dilates to allow the passage of your baby.

Is it normal to have spotting while pregnant?

During the early stages of pregnancy or the first trimester, spotting is normal and mostly appears as brownish or pinkish in color. This is common and is reported to happen in almost 20 to 30% of all pregnancies.

Is heavy bleeding during pregnancy normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy is common , especially during the first trimester, and usually it’s no cause for alarm. But because bleeding can sometimes be a sign of something serious, it’s important to know the possible causes, and get checked out by your doctor to make sure you and your baby are healthy.

How does cervical polyp cause bleeding?

Sinus polyps may cause clogged sinuses and headaches. Cervical polyps can cause bleeding between menstrual periods. In the colon, polyps may cause a change in normal bowel movements. A cervical polyp might bleed because they are ruptured during intercourse.

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