How do you make broth culture?

How do you make broth culture?

To create a broth culture, a scientist begins with a sterile liquid growth medium. The medium is inoculated with bacteria and placed in an incubator at the appropriate temperature. After a certain amount of time has passed, the broth becomes cloudy from the increased number of microbes.

How do you make a nutrient broth tube?

Suspend 8 grams of the medium in one liter of distilled water. Mix well and dissolve by heating with frequent agitation. Boil for one minute until complete dissolution. Dispense into appropriate containers and sterilize in autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.

How is nutrient agar culture media prepared?

Preparation of Nutrient Agar

  1. Suspend 28 g of nutrient agar powder in 1 litre of distilled water.
  2. Heat this mixture while stirring to fully dissolve all components.
  3. Autoclave the dissolved mixture at 121 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
  4. Once the nutrient agar has been autoclaved, allow it to cool but not solidify.

What are the ingredients of nutrient broth?

Nutrient Broth is a basic media composed of a simple peptone and a beef extract. Peptone contributes organic nitrogen in the form of amino acids and long-chained fatty acids. Beef Extract provides additional vitamins, carbohydrates, salts and other organic nitrogen compounds.

How do you inoculate broth culture with bacteria?

Using a sterile pipette tip or toothpick, select a single colony from your LB agar plate. Drop the tip or toothpick into the liquid LB + antibiotic and swirl. Loosely cover the culture with sterile aluminum foil or a cap that is not air tight. Incubate bacterial culture at 37°C for 12-18 hr in a shaking incubator.

How do you make broth culture of bacteria?


  1. Follow the steps for Inoculating an Overnight Liquid Culture.
  2. After you have bacterial growth, add 500 μL of the overnight culture to 500 μL of 50% glycerol in a 2 mL screw top tube or cryovial and gently mix.
  3. Freeze the glycerol stock tube at -80°C.

What is a nutrient broth solution?

Nutrient broth solution, or culture medium, allows a liquid or gel to provide all the nutrients needed for bacteria to grow successfully. These must include carbohydrates for energy, nitrogen for protein synthesis , plus other minerals.

How do you prepare media for bacterial culture?

Suspend 15 g of nutrient agar in 100 cm³ distilled water. Bring to the boil to dissolve completely. Heat 40 g of soluble starch in 100 cm³ of distilled water to form a suspension. Allow to cool and then mix with the nutrient agar solution.

How do you prepare nutrient media?

How to prepare nutrient agar?

  1. Suspend 28g of nutrient agar powder (CM0003B) in 1L of distilled water.
  2. Mix and dissolve them completely.
  3. Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid into the petri dish and wait for the medium to solidify.

What is a nutrient broth?

DESCRIPTION. Nutrient Broth is a liquid medium used for the cultivation of a wide variety of organisms from clinical specimens and other materials. This medium can be enriched with other ingredients such as blood, serum, sugars, etc., for special purposes. TYPICAL FORMULA. (g/l)

What is nutrient broth culture?

Nutrient Broth is a general purpose medium used for cultivating a broad variety of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms with non-exacting nutritional requirements. Peptone and yeast extract provide nitrogenous compounds, vitamin B complex, amino acids and other essential growth nutrients.

How do you prepare a bacterial stock culture?

How to prepare nutrient broth in the lab?

⇒ Weigh the quantity of Peptone, Beef Extract, and Sodium Chloride using the weighing scale for 1000 ml of Nutrient Broth as follows: ⇒ Put the butter paper on the weighing scale and transfer the required quantity of peptone on to the paper using the spatula. Repeat the step to obtain the required quantity of beef extract and sodium chloride.

What is the composition of nutrient agar and broth?

Composition of Nutrient Agar and Nutrient Broth Typical Formula * Nutrient Agar (gm/litre) Nutrient Broth (gm/litre) `Lab-Lemco’ powder 1.0 1.0 Yeast extract 2.0 2.0 Peptone 5.0 5.0 Sodium chloride 5.0 5.0

How big of a flask do I need to prepare nutrient broth?

Note: Use the separate piece of butter paper to avoid the errors in measurements. ⇒ Take a clean and dry Conical Flask/ Erlenmeyer flask. Note: The size of the flask should be at least 1.5 times larger than the quantity of media you are preparing, for e.g. use 1500 or 2000 ml flask to prepare 1000ml of broth.

How is sodium chloride used in nutrient broth?

⇒ Peptone – It is a semi-digested protein which is soluble in water and easily metabolized by the bacterial cell, provides the rich source of protein to the bacterial cell of the rapid growth. ⇒ Sodium Chloride – It maintains the osmotic pressure in the broth medium so that the movement of molecules takes place in and out of the bacterial cell.

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