What is political science in Hindi definition?

What is political science in Hindi definition?

political science – Meaning in Hindi Political science is the scientific study of politics. राजनीतिशास्त्र (Rājanītiśāstra) वह विज्ञान है जो मानव के एक राजनीतिक और सामाजिक प्राणी होने के नाते उससे संबंधित राज्य और सरकार दोनों संस्थाओं का अध्ययन करता है।।

What is the best definition of political science?

political science, the systematic study of governance by the application of empirical and generally scientific methods of analysis. As traditionally defined and studied, political science examines the state and its organs and institutions.

What is the main definition of political science?

Political science focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels. We are dedicated to developing understandings of institutions, practices, and relations that constitute public life and modes of inquiry that promote citizenship.

Who defined political science?

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy reveals that the field of political science is a social science that dates back 2,500 years with the works of Plato and Aristotle, who defined it as the “study of the state” and were interested in the greater good of their citizens.

What is political science in simple words?

Put most simply, political science is the study of politics, government, and public policy, both in the U.S. and around the world. Like other social sciences, political science uses a “scientific” approach, meaning that political scientists approach their study in an objective, rational, and systematic manner.

Who is the father of political science?

The antecedents of Western politics can be traced back to the Socratic political philosophers, such as Aristotle (“The Father of Political Science”) (384–322 BC). Aristotle was one of the first people to give a working definition of political science.

What is political science in your own words?

What is your own definition of political and political science?

Political-science meaning The systematic study of government and politics. The study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions.

Who gave the best definition of political science?

Political Science deals extensively with the analysis of political systems, the theoretical and practical applications to politics, and the examination of political behavior. The Greek thinker, Aristotle, defined political science as the study of the state.

What is political science essay?

Political science examines the nature, origin and end of the state. It points out the relations of the state with the individuals that compose it and at the same time suggest the relation between one state and another. The other major function of political science is its investigation into the origin of the state.

What is the definition and scope of political science?

Political Science, traditionally, begins and ends with the state. Its scope includes study of the state and the study of political system; covering the study of government, study of power; study of man and his political behaviour and study of political issues which influence politics directly or indirectly.

Who is the mother of political science?

Extract. Jewel Limar Prestage recently retired from academia after five decades of a professional career as a political scientist. Through teaching, mentoring, research, and service, she has had a profound influence in the political science discipline and on the lives of thousands of students.

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