What is the meaning of de Territorialization?

What is the meaning of de Territorialization?

deterritorializationnoun. The eradication of social, political, or cultural practices from their native places and populations.

What are the examples of deterritorialization?

Definition. Deterritorialization may mean to take the control and order away from a land or place (territory) that is already established. It is to undo what has been done. For example, when the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, the Spanish eliminated many symbols of Aztec beliefs and rituals.

Who coined the term deterritorialization?

Deterritorialization is a term created by Deleuze and Guattari in their philosophical project Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972–1980).

What is a deterritorialized state?

A deterritorialized state would consist of a government entity that would continue to represent the rights of its citizens at the international level and vis-à-vis their new host state or states.

What is the meaning of de Territorialization or supra Territorialization?

Deterritorialization speaks of the loss of the “natural” relation between culture and the social and geographic territories, and describes a deep transformation of the link between our everyday cultural experiences and our configuration as preferably local beings.

What is Supraterritorial?

As the word suggests, „supraterritorial‟ relations are social connections that substantially transcend territorial geography. They are relatively delinked from territory, that is, spatial domains that are mapped on the land surface of the earth, plus any adjoining waters and air spheres.

What is religious Deterritorialization?

For Roy, deterritorialisation contributes strongly to the reduction of religious beliefs and practices, previously expe- rienced as holistic and interpenetrating most areas of life, to “mere religion,” taking a truncated, compartmentalized, and simplified form.

What is Deterritorialization in human geography?

deterritorialization. the movement of economic, social and cultural processes out of the hands of the states. reterritorialization. with respect to popular culture, when people within a place start to produce an aspect of popular culture themselves, doing so in the context of their local culture and making it their own.

What is religious deterritorialization?

What is deterritorialization in globalization?

intensification of deterritorialization, understood as a proliferation of translocalized. cultural experiences (Hernàndez 2002). Deterritorialization, considered a central feature. of globalization, implies the growing presence of social forms of contact and involvement.

Why does deterritorialization happen?

In critical theory, deterritorialization is the process by which a social relation of components, a territory, has its current organization and context altered, mutated or destroyed. The components then constitute another new relation, and become reterritorialized.

What is the meaning of globality?

Abstract. The term “globality” primarily refers to a social condition, potentially the end-point of globalization, whereby individual and collective consciousness is focused increasingly at the global level and away from the national level.

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