What zone is spirea?

What zone is spirea?

zones 4-8
Spirea is easy to grow in nearly any garden. It’s hardy in USDA zones 4-8, with many selections expanding that to 3-9. It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, including poor soil, heat, cold, humidity, drought and urban pollution.

Where is spirea native to?

Spiraea alba, a shrub with white flowers, and Spiraea tomentosa, a shrub with pink flowers, are native to much of the Midwest and Northeast in the United States.

Where to plant spirea alba?

Grow in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers full sun. Needs constant moisture, and soil must not be allowed to dry out. Remove spent flower clusters to promote additional bloom.

Is Spirea native to Connecticut?

Plant Type: Spiraea alba var. latifolia) “pink form” – This is an underutilized Connecticut native happy to colonize in moist, fertile soil.

Can you transplant spirea?

Spirea shrubs can grow as tall as 10 feet (3 m.) Moving a spirea shrub should be done as quickly as possible so the plant doesn’t dry out. It may help to wrap the root ball in burlap to keep it moist and to stop the soil from falling away. Plant it in a hole prepared just like for container transplanting.

Is there a wild spirea?

Goat’s beard, or wild spirea, is an enormous and showy perennial that can grow as high as six feet and look like a bush. The handsome compound leaves are deep green and have serrated edges. In early autumn, the plants come into bloom, producing many dramatic plumes composed of tiny, white flowers.

Is Meadow Sweet invasive?

Filipendula ulmaria (Meadow Sweet) is our native meadowsweet, a plant of damp riversides, water meadows and hedges, with plumes of white scented flowers. It will grow in totally saturated soil but not submerged. It has excellent wildlife value and is easy and non invasive.

Is Spirea native to Virginia?

Spiraea virginiana is a rare species of flowering plant in the rose family (Rosaceae) known by the common names Virginia meadowsweet and Virginia spiraea. It is native to the southern Appalachian Mountains, where it has a distribution scattered across nine states.

Is privet invasive in CT?

Click below to view the Connecticut Invasive Plant List….Invasive Plant List.

SPECIES (SCIENTIFIC NAME) Ligustrum obtusifolium
SPECIES(COMMON NAME) Border privet (P)

Is Rhododendron native to CT?

“Connecticut residents with a passion for native rhododendrons, quite rare in this state, were advised Monday by State Forester Austin F. Hawes that such showy shrubs are now blooming in the Pachaug Forest.” It is one of the state’s eight National Natural Landmarks. …

What kind of conditions does a Spirea plant need?

It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, including poor soil, heat, cold, humidity, drought and urban pollution. Not only is spirea low-maintenance, but it also attracts butterflies and other insect pollinators.

What are the colors of a Japanese Spirea?

Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica) has the widest color range, with foliage in shades of green, blue, gold or chartreuse. Flowers bloom from late spring into summer in colors of pink, purple, red or white. Birchleaf spirea (Spiraea betulifolia) has a dense mounding habit with white flowers and toothed birch-like green leaves.

Is the Japanese Spirea good for deer or rabbits?

Japanese spirea has good deer resistance. The Double Play ® series is typically ignored by deer and even rabbits. Should spirea be cut back? Spirea has a naturally rounded habit without pruning.

When does a Spirea tree come back to the ground?

Spirea is perennial in the sense that it comes back each year. But it is more correctly known as a shrub because its woody branches persist above ground all year round, and in spring, the new growth emerges not from the ground but on those branches. Is spirea deer resistant? Japanese spirea has good deer resistance.

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