What should I build for Lulu?

What should I build for Lulu?

Lulu Item Build

  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
  • Moonstone Renewer.
  • Ardent Censer.
  • Staff of Flowing Water.
  • Redemption.
  • Shard of True Ice.

Is Lulu in wild Rift good?

League of Legends Wild Rift Lulu Build. League of Legends Wild Rift Lulu is a Enchanter Champion commonly played in the Dragon Lane as Support. When playing this Support in the Dragon Lane, we rank it as a S-Tier pick. Lulu will mostly do Magic Damage and is an overall reliable choice.

Why does Lulu top work?

The purpose of AD Lulu in the top lane is to poke your opponent early while not taking minion damage, and countering their all-ins with your W and R. This can be done by harassing then stepping into brush. Once you get your core items, you are a splitpush monster.

Who counters Lulu Wildrift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Lulu Counters are Blitzcrank, Soraka, and Sona, which have the best chance of winning Lulu in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Lux or Rakan as they will most likely lose to Lulu. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Vayne and Ezreal are good with Lulu.

Is Lulu passive on hit?

No, they don’t apply on-hit effects or procs. Nor does it give spell vamp. It is just a little extra damage, and that’s all.

Does PIX apply on hit?

Is Lulu good lol?

Lulu is not a great option for bot lane mages, as they do not benefit from her W boost as much as a marksman does. You can first pick Lulu into nearly any team, as she can play either a passive or an aggressive lane, but she does the best against a bot lane that has a low attack range that cannot easily trade with her.

Who is Lulu best against?

What champions are Strong Against Lulu in Wild Rift? Champions that Lulu is strongest against are Lux, Rakan and Annie.

What’s the best item to build Lulu with?

Triforce is also a viable option if you prefer more of an on-hit build. There are, in my opinion, two viable final item builds for AD Lulu. One is the traditional pure On-Hit build, which will consist of Guinsoos, Runaans, Wits End, Blade of the Ruined King, and a final situational item.

Can you play Lulu as an AD Carry?

Playing Lulu like an AD carry in the early game is not easy everytime, but if you’re just a bit feed, you can be a monster with your support skills and your passive ability : it’s amazing ! My best score with this build was 23/5/12.

What’s the purpose of AD Lulu in top lane?

The purpose of AD Lulu in the top lane is to poke your opponent early while not taking minion damage, and countering their all-ins with your W and R. This can be done by harassing then stepping into brush. Once you get your core items, you are a splitpush monster.

Do you need attack speed for Lulu solotop?

Lulu SoloTop needs a lot of attack speed. With attack speed you are able to do all the damage because of your passive. You could choose for some AD runes for last hitting on top because lulu only has like 50 AD from the beginning. But i prefer Attack Speed because you can damage your opponent very easy.

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