What was dollar rate in Pakistan 1990?

What was dollar rate in Pakistan 1990?

Pakistan USD to PKR Conversion Rate 1960 to 2020 The PKR on back of slowed economic growth during 1990s devalued from Rs. 20 in 1990 to Rs. 55 in 2000.

What was dollar rate in year 2000 in Pakistan?

The chart above shows you the lowest dollar price in Pakistan, over the past two decades, of around PKR 52, which was in 2000.

What was dollar rate in Pakistan in year 2003?

Monthly Averages

Date Rate Change
Saturday, 04/01/2003 0.016741 0.0
Sunday, 05/01/2003 0.016741 0.0
Monday, 06/01/2003 0.017226 0.000485
Tuesday, 07/01/2003 0.016836 -0.00039

What was dollar rate in Pakistan 2008?

Pakistan rupee exchange rates-2008-10-21

US Dollar 82.50 83.50
Danish Krone 14.70 14.90
Euro 109.40 110.40
Hong Kong Dollar 10.40 10.60
Indian Rupee 1.70 1.75

What was the rate of dollar in 1947?

1 USD to INR Rates From 1947 to 2020

Year Exchange rate(INR per USD)
1947 3.30
1949 4.76
1966 7.50
1975 8.39

What was dollar rate in Pakistan 2004?

The average value for Pakistan during that period was 98.0616 Pakistan Rupees per USD with a minimum of 57.2633 Pakistan Rupees per USD in April 2004 and a maximum of 171.8684 Pakistan Rupees per USD in October 2021. Click on the following link to see the values of Exchange rate, USD around the world.

What was dollar rate in 2017?

Average exchange rate in 2017: 105.2933 PKR. Worst exchange rate: 103.6969 PKR on 05 Jan 2017.

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