What are the main physical features of Kazakhstan?

What are the main physical features of Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan’s surface is covered by 26% desert, 44% semi-desert, 6% forest and 24% steppe terrain, in addition to a few other landscapes. The South and East have great wild and mostly untouched mountain landscapes with the Tien Shan and Altai being the most prominent.

Is Kazakhstan a desert?

Most of the country lies at between 200–300 m (660–980 ft) above sea level, but Kazakhstan’s Caspian shore includes some of the lowest elevations on Earth. More than three-quarters of the country, including the entire west and most of the south, is either semidesert (33.2 percent) or desert (44 percent).

What is the landscape like in Kazakhstan?

The terrain in Kazakhstan varies from low-lying plains to mountainous regions high above sea level. The lowlands lie in the north, where they form the southern part of the West Siberian Plain, in the northwest and in the south. They make up one third of the territory of Kazakhstan.

Why is Kazakhstan a desert?

The Kazakh semi-desert is an ecoregion in the deserts and xeric shrublands biome, located in Kazakhstan….Kazakh semi-desert.

Ecoregion: Kazakh semi-desert
Biome Deserts and xeric shrublands
Area 678,400 km2 (261,900 sq mi)
Countries Kazakhstan

What is the natural vegetation in Kazakhstan?

Plant and animal life The vegetation on plains and deserts includes wormwood and tamarisk, with feather grass on drier plains. Kazakhstan has very little wooded area, amounting to only about 3 percent of the territory. Many animals, including antelope and elk, inhabit the plains.

Does Kazakhstan have a coastline?

Several countries have coastlines on landlocked bodies of water, such as the Caspian Sea and the Dead Sea. Since these seas are in effect lakes without access to wider seaborne trade, countries such as Kazakhstan are still considered landlocked.

Does Kazakhstan have river?

Largest rivers in the country are Irtysh, Yesil, Tobol, Ural, Syr Darya, Ili, Chu. The length of each of them is more than 1 000 km. Ural carries its waters to the basin of the Caspian Sea, Syrdarya flows into the Aral Sea, and Irtysh, Tobol and Yesil are waterways that feed the Arctic Ocean.

Is Kazakhstan hot or cold?

Kazakhstan experiences an extreme continental climate, with long, hot summers and cold winters. Winter in the north of the country is long and cold – in some years the temperatures reached – 52°C (Nur-Sultan), but there are also thaws up to 5°C.

What type of plants grow in Kazakhstan?

Native Plants Of Kazakhstan

Native Plants of Kazakhstan Scientific Name
Starfruit Damasonium alisma
Great Water Parsnip Sium latifolium
Musk Thistle Carduus nutans
Tarda Tulip Tulipa tarda

What natural resources does Kazakhstan have?

Kazakhstan is very rich in mineral resources. Oil, coal, various ore and non-metallic deposits are the priceless treasure of the republic. Some of these mineral resources make Kazakhstan famous in the world. They include chrome iron ore deposits, polymetallic deposits, copper, tungsten, molybdenum and uranium ores.

What Kazakhstan famous for?

Kazakhstan is the richest country in Central Asia, due to its large oil and natural gas reserves. The country inherited the culture of the ancient Silk Road, Nomadic lifestyle and the Soviet Union which had a great influence on its formation.

Is Kazakhstan tropical?

Kazakhstan is located in the southern part of the temperate climatic zone. Four seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring) are clearly expressed in the Republic. Winter is ruled by a strong Siberian frosts. Summer dominated by tropical air masses formed over Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

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