What is the story of Imam Hussain?

What is the story of Imam Hussain?

According to majority of narrations, Husayn was born on 5th of Sha’ban 4 AH (10 January 626 CE) in Medina and was still a child when his grandfather, Muhammad, died. He was the younger son of Ali, the cousin of Muhammad, and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, both from the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.

What happened after 10 Muharram in Urdu?

After the 10th of Muharram, the family of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was put in chains, around their hands and necks, and forced to march towards Kufa. From Kufa, the family was forced to march to Damascus, Syria, the capital of Yazid.

Why did Yazid killed Hussain?

When Husayn left for Kufa in Iraq to lead a revolt against Yazid, he was killed with his small band of supporters by Yazid’s forces in the Battle of Karbala. After failing to gain the allegiance of Ibn al-Zubayr and the people of the Hejaz through diplomacy, Yazid sent an army to suppress their rebellion.

Why do Shia do Matam?

It is a symbolic practice to signify that Shias would not have hesitated to lay their lives down for Imam Hussain if they happened to be present during the battle of Karbala. It is a practice that has been followed for the past 1,400 years as a manifestation of mourning for Imam Hussain and his family.

Who was Imam Hussain married to?

Shahrbanum.?–680 AD
Rubab bint Imra al-Qaism.?–680 ADLayla bint Abi Murrah al-Thaqafim.?–680 ADUmm Ishaq bint Talha bin Ubaydullah
Husayn ibn Ali/Spouse

Did Shias killed Hussain?

Upon Muawiyah’s death in 680 CE, Yazid demanded allegiance from Husayn and other dissidents. Husayn did not give allegiance and traveled to Mecca….Battle of Karbala.

Date 10 October 680 CE (10 Muharram 61 AH)
Result Umayyad Caliphate victory Death of Husayn ibn Ali Many of Husayn’s family members taken prisoner Second Fitna

Who died in Karbala?

On that day, Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, was defeated and killed at Karbala, in modern Iraq. His death cemented deep and lasting division among Muslims that persist to this day. Hussein was the son of Ali – Muhammad’s cousin, close friend, and trusted aide – and Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter.

Can Sunnis visit Karbala?

Although most pilgrims to Karbala are Shia, there are also some Sunni Muslim visitors. They can be distinguished from Shia Muslims by the way in which they perform their prayers. Some were praying inside the shrines of Imam Hussain and Abul Fazl Abbas.

Who was responsible for Karbala?

Battle of Karbala, (October 10, 680 [10th of Muḥarram, ah 61]), brief military engagement in which a small party led by al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and son of ʿAlī, the fourth caliph, was defeated and massacred by an army sent by the Umayyad caliph Yazīd I.

Who was shimmer in Karbala?

Abū al-Sābigha Shamir ibn Dhī al-Jawshan (Arabic: أبو السابغة شمر بن ذي الجوشن‎), often known as Shamir or Shimr, was an Arab military commander from Kufa who is often referred to as the person who killed Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of Karbala in 680.

Who is the wife of Imam Hussain?

Husayn ibn Ali/Wife

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