How old is Pastor EV Hill?

How old is Pastor EV Hill?

Underwood in Palmdale, California….Rev Edward Victor “E.V.” Hill II.

Birth 3 Apr 1967 Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Death 12 Aug 2019 (aged 52) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA

Is EV Hill still alive?

Deceased (1933–2003)
E.V. Hill/Living or Deceased

When did EV Hill pass away?

February 24, 2003
E.V. Hill/Date of death

What church did EV Hill pastor?

the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church
(November 10, 1933 – February 24, 2003) was an American pastor. He was senior pastor at the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles, California from 1961 until his death; under his leadership, it became one of the largest African-American congregations in the US.

When did E V Hill become a pastor?

In 1954 he was called to pastor the Friendly Will Missionary Baptist Church in Austin and, subsequently, the Mount Corinth Baptist Church in Houston. While there he became a confidant of Martin Luther King Jr., whom he assisted in establishing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

What did E V Hill do for a living?

“E.V. Hill held a special place in the faith community aside from his father, though preaching was in his DNA. That he was both Apostolic and Baptist made for a powerful combination and he was not only a huge supporter of clergy but a tremendous prayer warrior.”

What does e.v.hill preach at the funeral?

Description: E.V. Hill preaches this sermon at the funeral of his wife. It is a passionate pleading exhoration to “trust God” admist the circumstances. What faith he exhibits as a living testimony during this very challanging time in his life.

When did E V Hill move to Los Angeles?

In early 1961 he moved to Los Angeles to pastor the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, which went on to become a hotspot of political and social activism in the city. Following the 1992 Los Angeles riots, President George H.W. Bush visited the church. Hill increasingly aligned himself with Republican politics following his move to Los Angeles.

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