What is the meaning of the Andean cross?

What is the meaning of the Andean cross?

The “Chakana” or Andean cross is a strong symbol of the old cultures of the Andes and is considered the most complete, holy, geometric design of the Incas. Traditionally, the Chakana represents the constellation of the Southern Cross which is to be seen in the southern hemisphere.

What does chakana mean in the Quechua language?

The Chakana or Andean Cross In the Quechua language, “chakana” is a blend of two words “chaka” meaning bridge and “hanan” meaning tall.

Where did the chakana come from?

To begin with, the Chakana is nothing less than the Southern Cross constellation as seen from the Southern Hemisphere, thus, its etymology derives from the Quechua -official language of the Incas- word chakay, which means “to cross” and “to bridge”.

What is a chakana necklace?

A talisman necklace featuring a circluar center stone set in a Chakana, the Andean symbol of the Incan civilization. Derived from the Quechua (traditional language of the Incas) word chakay, meaning to cross or to bridge, a chakana is a 3-stepped symmetric cross, sometimes with a hole in the center of it.

How old is chakana?

It is also known as the “Andean cross” or “square cross”. The chakana is an ancient symbol, more than 4,000 years old, aboriginal of pre-Columbian peoples, especially of the central Andes and therefore of the Inca culture (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina).

What race is Inca?

The Incas were a civilization in South America formed by ethnic Quechua people also known as Amerindians.

Are Aztecs and Incas the same?

Key differences between Maya vs Aztec vs Inca The Maya were native people of Mexico and Central America, while the Aztec covered most of northern Mesoamerica between c. 1345 and 1521 CE, whereas Inca flourished in ancient Peru between c. 1400 and 1533 CE and extended across western South America.

Were the Incas violent or peaceful?

Were the Incas peaceful? The Incas used diplomacy before conquering a territory, they preferred peaceful assimilation. However, if they faced resistance they would forcefully assimilate the new territory. Their law was draconian in nature.

What race are Incas?

Where can you find the chakana or Inca Cross?

As it was the rule in Inca empire, there were Chakanas in many places like Pisac, Ollantaytambo and even in the Titicaca Lake region -although these are prior to Inca times- which also became part of the Tawantinsuyu. Particularly special is the Inca Cross that can be found at the Machu Picchu sanctuary.

What do the four corners of the chakana symbol mean?

At the heart of the chakana symbol is a circular hole which is said to represent the city of Cusco: the capital of the Inca Empire and navel of the Incan world. Surrounding this circle are four corners, ridged with three steps each.

What did the four arms of the Inca Cross mean?

Also, the four main arms of the cross may represent the Southern Cross constellation which was important to the Incas. Those arms also stand for the four provinces surrounding Cusco. Although these are some of the most common meanings attributed to the symbol, there are others who consider it to be far more mystical in origin.

What are the gods represented in the chakana?

This includes 1) the lower or underworld, Uqhu Pacha, represented by the snake; 2) the middle world, that of the humans, called Kay Pacha and represented by the puma; 3) and finally the upper world of the gods, Hanan Pacha, represented by the condor.

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