Is MediaWiki free?

Is MediaWiki free?

MediaWiki is the free open-source wiki software used to power Wikipedia and thousands of other wikis. The contributions of hundreds of individual developers have helped make it a feature-rich, secure and scalable platform capable of powering some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world.

How to modify MediaWiki Sidebar?

Customize Navigation – Mediawiki

  1. Click on Special pages in the toolbox menu.
  2. Click on All pages.
  3. Change the drop-down menu to “MediaWiki.”
  4. Type Sidebar and click Go.
  5. Click on Sidebar.
  6. Click the Edit tab.

How much does MediaWiki cost?

MediaWiki is free and open-source and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

How do I create a category?

To create new categories in WordPress, go to Posts > Categories page. On the left side of the page, you will see a tab that allows you to create categories. Fill in the category name, its slug (will be used in the category URLs), the category description and then press Add New Category.

What is the special page tool in MediaWiki?

The “special pages” tool lists the MediaWiki special pages. In MediaWiki terminology, a special page is one that presents information about the Wiki and/or allows access to administration activities for the wiki.

What is the target text for a link in MediaWiki?

The link target can be the name of an interface message (page in the MediaWiki namespace) or wiki page, or an external link. In either case, the link can be internal, interwiki, or external. Get the target text.

How does navigation work in the Mediawiki site?

Every page on a MediaWiki site not only has information to show you but also allows you to move to other pages. This is called “navigation”. To help you navigate, every page on MediaWiki, has three main navigation elements: The sidebar gives you access to important pages in the wiki such as recent changes or upload file.

What does the sidebar do in MediaWiki?

This page documents a system message, a wiki page that defines part of the MediaWiki interface . See also the default documentation. MediaWiki:Sidebar allows a user to modify the navigation bar.

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