How do you spell Blazing Saddles?

How do you spell Blazing Saddles?

Blazing Saddles is a 1974 American Western black comedy film directed by Mel Brooks.

What in the wide wide world of sports is going on here quote?

Slim Pickens in the comedy movie classic Blazing Saddles might have the same look on his face when seeing recent developments with the New Orleans Pelicans. “What in the wide, wide world o’ sports is a goin’ on here?” Slim Pickens spoke that line amid some silly chaos taking place during Mel Brooks’ “Blazing Saddles.”

Are we alive Blazing Saddles?

Bart: Yes we are. Jim the Waco Kid: Then we’re awake. But we’re very puzzled.

What is the meaning of Blazing Saddles?

BLAZING SADDLES. It was a joke based on the cowboys farting while on their horses….. It was a joke based on the cowboys farting while on their horses…..

How many parts did Mel Brooks play in Blazing Saddles?

Brooks himself played two parts in Blazing Saddles — a small but memorable role as an Indian chief with a Yiddish accent and a larger one as cross-eyed, cleavage-obsessed Gov. William J. Le Petomane, who was in cahoots with Harvey Korman’s corrupt Mayor Hedley Lamarr.

Did they really punch the horse in Blazing Saddles?

Richard Pryor and Mel Brooks became friends after meeting in New York. The two became fast friends and Pryor did most of the writing for Saddles’ character of Mongo. 16. Mongo’s horse punch was based on an actual event.

What did Bart say to the woman in Blazing Saddles?

Bart : Mongo was easy. The bitch was inventing the candy-gram. Probably won’t even give me credit for it. [a knock at the window; Bart gets up and sees the same woman who insulted him earlier] Elderly Woman : Good evening, Sheriff. Sorry about the “Up yours, nigger”.

What did Hedley Lamarr say in Blazing Saddles?

Hedley Lamarr : My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. Taggart : God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

What did Dr.Sam Johnson say in Blazing Saddles?

Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it! Olson Johnson : Hold it, men. He’s not bluffing. Dr. Sam Johnson : Listen to him, men. He’s just crazy enough to do it!

What did Lyle say to Taggart in Blazing Saddles?

Taggart : [5:18] Listen, dummy. The surveyors say they may have run into some quicksand up ahead. Better check it out. Lyle : Okay, I’ll send down a team of horses to check out the ground. Taggart : *Horses*?

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