What disease is caused by Pediculus?

What disease is caused by Pediculus?

Head and Body Lice adults. Body and head lice (Pediculus humanus humanus and P. h. capitis, respectively) cause a condition in humans known as Pediculosis. Although body lice are usually found on the torso, and head lice are found on the head and face, both species may change location.

Which louse is also known as Pediculus humanus corporis?

The body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus, also known as Pediculus humanus corporis) is a hematophagic ectoparasite louse that infests humans. It is one of three lice which infest humans, the other two being the head louse, and the crab louse or pubic louse.

Where can nits of Pediculus corporis be found?

Pediculosis corporis is a skin condition caused by body lice (Pediculus humanus corporis) that feed on human blood. These lice lay their eggs in the seams of clothing and bedding while moving to human skin to feed.

What does Pediculus humanus cause?

Pediculus humanus humanus is the vector of epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever. Pthirus pubis infests pubic hair as well as hair on other parts of the body, including the scalp and eyelashes.

Do lice burrow under the skin?

Diagnosis. Body lice are unable to burrow into the skin. Although a few body lice may be seen clinging to body hairs, most are on the clothing of an infested person. Body lice and their eggs are most abundant along the seams of clothes worn close to the body.

How did the first person get lice?

So you may wonder, where did head lice come from in the first place? There is a short answer and a long answer to this question. The short answer is that if you or your child have lice, you got them from another person through head-to-head contact.

Which is the vector of Pediculus humanus corporis?

The vector is the body louse ( Fig. 44.3 ), Pediculus humanus corporis, which only feeds on humans in nature.

How many legs does a Pediculus humanus have?

This 2006 photograph depicted a dorsal view of a male body louse, Pediculus humanus var. humanus (AKA Pediculus humanus var. corporis ). Some of the external morphologic features displayed by members of the genus Pediculus include an elongated abdominal region without any processes, and three pairs of legs, all equal in length and width.

What does pediculosis corporis mean in medical terms?

Pediculosis corporis is a cutaneous condition caused by body lice (specifically Pediculus corporis) that lay their eggs in the seams of clothing. Body lice are a nuisance in themselves and cause intense itching. They are also vectors (transmitters) of other diseases and can spread epidemic typhus, trench fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever.

Which is the only host for pediculosis in humans?

Pediculosis is infestation with the human head-and-body louse, Pediculus humanus. There are two subspecies, the head louse (P. h. capitis) and the body louse (P. h. humanus). They are ectoparasites whose only known hosts are humans.

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