Are Bluetick Coonhounds good pets?

Are Bluetick Coonhounds good pets?

A scenthound with a noble history, the Bluetick Coonhound is loyal and loving, and does well as a family pet, especially around older children. They can be reserved and wary of strangers, and are very vocal, but with the proper training and socialization they are excellent companions.

Do Bluetick Coonhounds bark a lot?

Bluetick Coonhounds are smart and devoted. Wary of strangers, these dogs require training and socialization. If properly trained, they can get along well with children and are not aggressive with other dogs. These dogs can hunt at night in any weather or terrain, and their bark (or bay) is unique to each dog.

What does a Bluetick Coonhound look like?

The smooth, glossy coat is dark blue, thickly mottled with black spots on the back, ears, and sides. The head and ears are mostly black, with tan markings over the eyes and on the cheeks. The Bluetick Coonhound has dark red ticking on the feet, the lower legs below the body line, the chest, and below the tail.

What breeds make a Bluetick Coonhound?

The Bluetick Coonhound, which originated in Louisiana, was developed from the Grand Bleu de Gascogne hound of southwestern France, as well as the English Foxhound, the cur dog, the American Foxhound, and the Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound.

Do coonhounds like to cuddle?

Bluetick Coonhounds, named for the pattern on their coats, are a hunting dog that loves nothing more than to chase down their prey and capture it for their humans. They’re a loyal and smart breed that absolutely loves to cuddle.

Which coonhound is the best?

However, the American English coonhound does not do as well in intense heat, so if you live somewhere that will be very hot when you’re out hunting, the Treeing Walker coonhound may be the best choice of the two.

Are Bluetick Coonhounds good with cats?

Blueticks are generally friendly and happy, but like all dogs, they are individuals. Blueticks can get along well with other animals, cats included, but they love hunting squirrels in the backyard. Their exercise needs are met with a couple of long walks daily.

Are blue ticks loud?

Trademark of Bluetick Coonhound is loud and persistent drown-out barking that is typically heard when it is excited about newly-detected smell. Bluetick Coonhound is very intelligent and able to solve problems. It is also very stubborn. Training of Bluetick Coonhound is usually long and exhausting process.

Are Blueticks affectionate?

Personality: Originally bred for hunting; kind with children. They are loving, gentle, and good with small children — most of them love children! They are very affectionate, and can take all the petting you can dish out.

Do Bluetick Coonhounds like to swim?

A large number of Redbone Coonhounds are natural swimmers and love swimming. Blueticks that hunt may sustain injuries in the field. 10 Dog Breeds that Like Water and Make Excellent Swimmers. The Bluetick is in athletic dog that enjoys being occupied for at least part of each day, especially in the outdoors.

How long do Bluetick Coonhounds live?

11 – 12 years
Bluetick Coonhound/Life span

What is the meaning of bluetick?

(ˈbluːˌtɪk) noun. an American hound having a usually black, tan, and white coat flecked or mottled with black, used in hunting foxes and raccoons.

How big do blue tick coon hounds get?

Bluetick Coonhounds should be 21 inches to 27 inches tall at the shoulder and males weigh approximately 55 to 80 pounds (25 to 36 kg). Females are considerably smaller at an average weight of 45 to 65 pounds.

Are Blueticks good with children?

The Bluetick Coonhound is a very intelligent dog. Very devoted to its family, it makes a good companion dog. It does well living indoors and plays a fine guardian to his family and home. They are usually best with older children, but can also do well with younger ones.

What is a blue tick coon hound?

The Bluetick Coonhound is a breed of Coonhound originating in the United States. The Bluetick Coonhound is known for its friendly persona, cold nose and deep bawl mouth.

What does Coonhound look like?

The black and tan coonhound has a distinctively jowly face and somewhat resembles a bloodhound, which is one of the hound breeds they are the most closely related to. Bluetick coonhounds have bluish specks of color on a pale coat with black spots and patches.

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