Do you get a shine for getting all blue coins?

Do you get a shine for getting all blue coins?

Collecting all 30 Blue Coins in a world earns you a Shine Sprite. Use the checklist to keep track of your progress!

How many blue coins does Pianta Village have?

There are thirty coins to be found in Pianta Village. There are two coins that appear only at night, episode 1, 3, 5 an 7, and another that appears only in the day, episodes 2, 4, 6 and 8.

How many blue coins make a shine?

10 Blue Coins
Where to Exchange Blue Coins for Shines. In Delfino Plaza you can exchange 10 Blue Coins for a single Shine.

Where can I donate blue coins?

Take ten Blue Coins to the boathouse in Delfino Plaza, which is the building that has the Ricco Harbor entrance. Head inside, and talk to the NPC behind the desk. He’ll prompt you to trade ten Blue Coins for a Shine Sprite. You can do this up to 24 times total for 24 Shine Sprites in exchange for 240 Blue Coins.

How many stars are in a blue coin?

20 Blue Coins
19 of its 20 Blue Coins are in the Delfino Plaza itself and the last coin can be found at the starting location in Super Mario Sunshine, which is the Delfino Airstrip. 10 are in the Corona Mountain and 30 are on 7 different levels. So in total, 24 Shine Sprites can be obtained using these coins.

How many blue coins do you get per stage?

Each individual level within the game has thirty Blue Coins to collect, and the final level, Corona Mountain, hides ten Blue Coins. Ten Blue Coins can be exchanged for a Shine Sprite which can help to unlock new areas in the game, progress the story, or simply help anyone looking to 100% complete the game.

Which episode in Pianta Village has the most coins?

Episode 5
Use Episode 5 for the best results. Yoshi can bag lots of coins from the two beehives (knock them down with spray, then eat all the bees) and the grate maze (and mushroom platforms) below has some forty coins available.

Where is the blue bird in Pianta Village?

A Blue Coin can be found hidden within the long grass to the left of the town. Look for the swing and the palm tree to the left of a building.

How many stars are blue coins?

19 of its 20 Blue Coins are in the Delfino Plaza itself and the last coin can be found at the starting location in Super Mario Sunshine, which is the Delfino Airstrip. 10 are in the Corona Mountain and 30 are on 7 different levels. So in total, 24 Shine Sprites can be obtained using these coins.

How many blue coins does Corona Mountain have?

There are 10 Blue Coins in Corona Mountain, the game’s final area. You’ll also find 20 Blue Coins in Delfino Plaza.

How many blue coins are in each stage?

How many blue coins are in sunshine?

There are 240 blue coins to be found throughout the game (20 in Delfino Plaza, 10 in Corona Mountain, and 30 in each of the 7 areas of the game). Take your hard earned collection to the bear in the boathouse (the portal to Ricco Harbor) to buy Shines with them.

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