How do I get my MasteryConnect answer key?

How do I get my MasteryConnect answer key?

For any assessment, you can make the answer key available or hide it from parents and students in the student report and MasteryConnect Login. This can be done through privacy settings in your tracker.

How do I print bubble sheets on MasteryConnect?

Print Extra (Blank) Bubble Sheets

  1. After you sign in to MasteryConnect, click Trackers.
  2. Click the Print Bubble Sheets button.
  3. On the Print Extra Bubble Sheets dialog box, you can choose whether to use blank student IDs, or whether to include student ID numbers from selected trackers.

Can a student retake a test in MasteryConnect?

Sometimes, a student may accidentally submit a benchmark assessment before they have answered all of the questions. MasteryConnect allows administrators to reopen submitted benchmarks without the student losing any of the answers that they have already completed.

What is remediation on mastery connect?

Dear Parents, Welcome to your student’s MasteryConnect report! 7 E Remediation means “Not Yet” in your child’s Mastery Connect Progress Report. You will often see remediation when your child’s teacher gives a pre-assessment.

How do I see MasteryConnect student answers?

Select Print Options On the right side, select the questions. Also, on the bottom, select the boxes for options to Show correct answer for missed questions and Show open response answers.

How do I print a Masteryconnect assessment?

Print an Assessment

  1. Click on the Assessments tab.
  2. Next, you will need to find the assessment that you want to print.
  3. Click the Print icon on the top right of the page.
  4. Finally, set up your desired print options on the Print dialog box, and click Print.

How do I reset my MasteryConnect assessment?

  1. OF 7. The first step is to log in as the teacher and select the correct tracker for the student.
  2. OF 7. Find the test you want to reset and CLICK the title box.
  3. With your mouse, hover over the blue hamburger menu button.
  4. Click Reopen Test for Students.
  5. Select students you want to reset.
  6. Click Assess.

Can you pause a test on mastery connect?

To pause or unpause the assessment, students can click the Pause button. If a student needs to log out of the system, pausing the assessment will save the student’s progress.

How do you grade mastery connect?

Score an Assessment with GradeCam

  1. Open Tracker Assessment Tool. In the tracker, hover over the standard you want to assess, and click Assess.
  2. Enable Camera. Click on Enable Camera in the GradeCam window.
  3. Scan Bubble Sheet.
  4. Score Using Student View.
  5. Turn Camera Off.
  6. Open Tracker Assessment Tool.

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