What does the war on terrorism suggest about the tension between freedom and security as priorities of the United States quizlet?

What does the war on terrorism suggest about the tension between freedom and security as priorities of the United States quizlet?

What does the war on terrorism suggest about the tension between freedom and security as priorities of the United States? It suggests that freedom and security were very high on our list of priorities, even though during this time people were still oppressed, and our security was not very good.

What is the main idea of Amendments 11 27?

The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit , in law or equity , commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state .

What is the meaning of Electoral College votes?

The United States Electoral College is an example of a system in which an executive president is indirectly elected, with electors representing the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The votes of the public determine electors, who formally choose the president through the electoral college.

What do the numbers mean for the electoral votes?

Blue denotes states won by Obama/Biden and red denotes those won by Romney/Ryan. Numbers indicate electoral votes cast by each state and the District of Columbia.

Who are the faithless electors in the Electoral College?

A faithless elector is a member of the Electoral College who does not vote for the presidential or vice-presidential candidate for whom they had pledged to vote. i.e., they vote for another candidate or fail to vote.

How many electoral votes do you need to win Presidency?

A presidential candidate needs 270 (just over 50%) electoral votes to win. Here is a list of the number of electoral votes for each state: In all states except Nebraska and Maine, electors are awarded on a winner-take-all basis.


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